
GradesFirst Email Capture records email conversations between students and support staff so that you can measure support staff activity and student engagement. GradesFirst can log all email messages to and from a student as part of the student's record.

Capturing Communications

By default, GradesFirst tracks the email messages that were sent from the application. These messages become part of the recipient's profile viewable on the Conversations tab.

Enabling GradesFirst's Email Capture functionality allows GradesFirst to be aware of initial messages as well as replies, follow-up communications, and messages that originated outside of the application so that these communications can be captured, tracked, and measured.

How It Works

To allow email messages to be routed through and captured by the GradesFirst application, you'll setup and use a special subdomain of your choosing. Your GradesFirst Client Success Manager can help your IT department configure this subdomain. Once the subdomain is set up and configured in GradesFirst, the application will use that subdomain to send and receive emails so they are seamlessly captured.

Each user will have a GradesFirst email address. An example of a GradesFirst Email with a "special subdomain" is: student@support.howell.edu.

Advisor Example


Student Example

In the event you have two users with a similar username:

Let's say a student already exists with the email student@howell.edu and another user with a similar username is added with their email as student@yahoo.com. The second students GradesFirst email would be student1@support.howell.edu

For Outgoing Email Messages

  1. An Email Subdomain has been setup by your IT specialist and Emails have been enabled for Two Way Email Capture
  2. An Advisor sends an email to a student from within GradesFirst
  3. The from address of the email that the student receives is the advisor's GradesFirst Email address (advisor@support.howell.edu) rather than their Actual Email address (advisor@howell.edu).
  4. The Student then replies to the email from the student's email client.
  5. The reply is now recorded in GradesFirst.
  6. The reply is forwarded to the advisors email client (advisor@howell.edu).
  7. The message forwarded to the advisors email client is from the student's GradesFirst email address (student@support.howell.edu) not their Actual Email address (student@howell.edu). 
  8. We have successfully captured all of the messages in a conversation thread.

For Incoming Email Messages

  1. An Email Subdomain has been setup by your IT specialist and Emails have been enabled for Two Way Email Capture. 
  2. A student sends an email from their email client to an Advisors GradesFirst email address (advisor@support.howell.edu).
  3. The email is recorded in GradesFirst.
  4. The email is forwarded to the Advisors actual email address (advisor@howell.edu) from the student's GradesFirst email address (student@support.howell.edu).
  5. The advisor replies to the email from their email client.
  6. The email is now recorded in GradesFirst.
  7. The email response is forwarded to the students actual email address (student@support.howell.edu) from the advisor's GradesFirst email address (advisor@support.howell.edu).


As mentioned previously, your IT Specialist will setup an email domain for GradesFirst Email Capture. Your GradesFirst Client Success Manager can assist you with this setup.