Table of Contents
Most all functionality is linked to a permission, making GradesFirst an extremely customizable application. Want an advisor to be able to view only their assigned student’s profile page but not others? GradesFirst can accommodate. In GradesFirst, users are assigned a user role and it is through the user role that the user receives their permissions. So advisors are assigned to the advisor user role, students are assigned to the student user role and so on. This next section will go into great detail on the permissions available to each user role.
While most permissions are assigned to the user via user roles, each user also has the ability to gain extra permissions by using the Additional Permissions accessible when editing a user profile. We will cover this in more detail later in this guide.
User permissions can be accessed and edited in one of two ways:
- Edit User Roles: Admin Tab> User Roles > select a user role to edit > click the ‘pencil’ icon. Editing user role permissions will affect all users assigned to this particular role. For example, if you would like ALL advisors to have the ability (or remove the ability) to perform a specific function, you would use these steps.
- Edit a Specific User: Admin Tab > Edit a User > search for a specific user > select the Edit User link > locate and click the down arrow to the right of the “Additional Permissions”. By Editing the Additional Permissions of a specific user, you are only affecting the user you are editing. For example, if you would like one of your advisors to have greater access than the other advisors, you will edit that advisor’s settings by using the steps of above.
Standard User Types
Define a user’s general role (or family) within GradesFirst. Every person in GradesFirst will need to be assigned a User Type or User Role. We do recommend that users be assigned to a single User Type. If you are not sure which User Type to use, select the closest type for what these users will be doing in GradesFirst.
Permission Sections
The following will breakdown each section of Permissions that can be utilized when creating/editing a User Role.
Courses & Attendance
Absence/Attendance Permissions
- Absence Recording: Allows for the recording of absences only for the students assigned to them.
- Absence Recording for all Students: Allows for the recording of absences for all students.
- Absence View: Enables the user to view, but not edit, previously recorded classroom attendance.
- Absence Reports: Allows the user to run reports for recorded absences.
Assignment Permissions
- Assignment Create: Allows the user to create course assignments (e.g. Mid-term paper, Quiz on Chapter 1, etc…)
- Assignment Update: Allows the user to edit, but not create, existing course assignments.
- Assignment View: Enables the user to view, but not edit, existing course assignments.
- Assignment Delete: Gives the user the ability to delete a course assignment.
- Assignment Reports: Allows the user to run reports for course assignments.
Book Slip Administration
- Book Slip Administration: Allows user to create Book Slip campaigns.
- Ability to print book slips from student profile: Allows user to print book slips from the student profile.
Enrollment Permissions
- Enrollment Drop: Allows user to drop courses from a student’s profile page.
- Enrollment Un-drop: Allows user to un-drop courses, that have previously been dropped, from a student’s profile page.
- Enrollment Delete: Gives user the ability to delete an enrollment (e.g. course) that has been dropped from a student’s profile page.
- Enrollment Reports: Allows user to access to print reports on enrollments.
Appointments & Availabilities
Appointment Permissions
- Create Advising Appointments: This ability allows users to create advising appointments in GradesFirst. Normally your advisors would have this ability.
- Create Tutor Appointments: This ability allows users to create tutor appointments in GradesFirst. Normally your tutor/tutor coordinators would have this ability.
- Create General Appointments: This ability allows users to create general appointments (Football practice, Honor Club Meetings, etc…) in GradesFirst. Normally your advisors would have this ability.
- Appointment Update: Ability to edit ANY appointments.
- Organizers Edit their own Appointments: This gives advisors and tutors the ability to edit the appointments they have been assigned to. If your institution allows your advisors or tutors the option to edit their own appointments, you should then check this option.
- Appointment Delete: The ability to delete ANY appointment.
- Organizers Delete their own Appointments: Gives advisors or tutors the ability to delete their own appointments.
- Create Appointments for any applicable user: This allows the user to create any appointment for ANY user in GradesFirst. If this option is not checked, the user will only be able to create appointments for themselves.
- Cancel Appointments or any person’s Attendance to it: This option allows the user to cancel any appointment or a person’s attendance to it.
- Appointment Cancellation Administration: The user will gain access to the Appointment Cancellation Reasons link on the Admin page.
- Ability for user to reset the counter on a student’s no-show grid: If this option is checked, the user will have the ability to reset the no-show counter on any student’s no-show grid.
Student Appointment Permissions (these options are typically only assigned to the Student Role)
- Allow students to create advising appointments: Checking this option will allow students the ability to create advising appointments from their Home page.
- Allow students to create advising request: Allows students the ability to make advising appointment requests.
- Allow students to create tutor and online course appointments: Students will gain access to the online tutor appointment scheduler where they can create tutor appointments based on their course schedule.
- Allow students to create tutor and online student service appointments: Students will gain access to the online tutor appointment scheduler where they can create tutor appointments based on student services.
- Cancel their own Attendance to an Appointment: Students will be able to cancel their attendance to an appointment for which they have been assigned.
- Limit the number of advising appointments that students can schedule: This value will limit the number of outstanding “student-created” advising appointments. For example, if students are only able to have two (2) outstanding advising appointments at any given time, enter the number two (2). You may leave this option blank if you do not wish to invoke a limit.
- Limit the number of tutoring/student service appointment that students can schedule: This value will limit the number of outstanding “student-created” tutor appointments. For example, if students are only able to have two (2) outstanding tutor appointments at any given time, enter the number two (2). You may leave this option blank if you do not wish to invoke a limit.
- Allow appointments to be canceled up to __ hours before the start time of the appointment: This value defines how many hours, before the start time of the appointment, a student has to cancel their attendance to that appointment. For example, if a student must give at least a two (2) hour notice before cancelling their appointment, enter the value of two (2). You may leave this option blank if you do not wish to invoke a limit.
- If a student has __ or more no-shows in __ days, prevent them from scheduling tutor appointments: These options allow the institution to restrict students, with excessive no-shows, from creating future tutor appointments. For example, if a student has more than two (2) no-shows in thirty (30) days, prevent them from scheduling any further tutor appointment. You may leave these options blank if you do not wish to invoke any limits.
- Maximum tutoring appointment a student can create per day: This value limits the number of tutoring appointment a student can create for any specific day. You may leave this option blank if you do not wish to invoke a limit.
Availability Permissions
- Availability Create: Allows the user to create their own availability. If your institution allows the advisors or tutors the ability to create their own availability (schedule), you will want to check this option.
- Availability Delete: Allows users the ability to delete existing availability.
- Availability Create for Others: Checking this option will allow the user to create availability for any user. Normally this option is reserved for super users or GradesFirst Admins.
- Availability Delete for Others: Checking this option will allow the user to delete availability for any user. Normally this option is reserved for super users or GradesFirst Admins.
Tutor Administration Permissions
- Tutor Administrator: This option is typically reserved for your Tutor Administrator User Role as it will allow users to manage and match tutor requests and view associated reports generated from this information.
- View Tutor Reports: Allows the user access to all tutor reports (except tutor payroll) on the Reports page.
- View Tutor Payroll Reports: Allows users access to the tutor payroll reports on the Reports page.
- Create Tutor Requests: This option allows the user the ability to create tutor requests. Typically this option is given to the students and advisors.
Tutor Pay Cycle Permissions
- Create new Pay Cycles: This option allows the user the ability to create new tutor pay cycles. This is typically reserved for the tutor administration or coordinator).
- Edit Existing Pay Cycles: This option allows the user the ability to edit tutor pay cycles. This is typically reserved for the tutor administration or coordinator).
- Remove Existing Pay Cycles: This option allows the user the ability to delete tutor pay cycles. This is typically reserved for the tutor administration or coordinator).
Tutor Pay Levels Permissions
- Create new Pay Levels: This option allows the user the ability to create tutor pay levels. This is typically reserved for the tutor administration or coordinator).
- Edit Existing Pay Levels: This option allows the user the ability to edit tutor pay levels. This is typically reserved for the tutor administration or coordinator).
- Remove Existing Pay Levels: This option allows the user the ability to delete tutor pay levels. This is typically reserved for the tutor administration or coordinator).
General Permissions
- Email Students: Enables the user to send an email any student.
- Email Non-Students: Enables the user to send an email to any user (except students).
- Text Message Students: Enables the user to send a text message to any student.
- Text Message Non-Students: Enables the user to send a text message to any user (except students).
- View Other Users Conversations: Allows the user to view any user’s conversation page. Typically this option is reserved for the advising user role.
- Call Student: This option allows the user to use GradesFirst to call a student. Typically this option is reserved for the advising user role.
Facebook Permissions
- Send Facebook Requests: This option allows users the ability to send students a Facebook request. Typically this option is reserved for the advising user role.
- Facebook Reports: Allows the user access to the Facebook reports on the Reports page.