

Subscribe to your GradesFirst Calendar

Step 1: Get Your GradesFirst calendar feed URL

  1. In GradesFirst, navigate to the Calendar tab.
  2. Click the Subscriptions tab.
  3. Click on Setup Calendar Integration.
  4. On the External Calendaring Setup tab, you will see a URL displayed, beginning with "webdav://".
    Select the text of this URL and copy it to your clipboard (Control + C). 

Step 2: Subscribe to your GradesFirst calendar

  1. Navigate to Zimbra.
  2. Click on the Calendar menu item.

  3. Click the Create a new calendar icon.
  4. In the Create New Calendar dialog, check the Synchronize appointments appointments for remote calendar checkbox.

  5. Paste your GradesFirst calendar URL into the URL field.
  6. Click OK.

You should now see a new calendar in Zimbra Calendar. It may take a few minutes for your events to display.