Email Deliverability and Whitelisting

Email Deliverability and Whitelisting

Email Server Whitelisting

GradesFirst allows its users to send email messages to individuals, targeted groups, and large groups. To help ensure successful email delivery, please add our email server to your school’s SMTP server whitelist and your spam filter whitelist.

Server Name: o2.email.gradesfirst.com

IP Address:

Email Validation

All email messages sent from GradesFirst are DKIM-signed by default with information corresponding to the email.gradesfirst.com domain. For systems with spam filters with strong DKIM verification requirements, the platform supports the capability to send messages using a From address of conversations@gradesfirst.com and a Reply To address corresponding to the email of the user sending the message. This allows DKIM verification to pass and allows any recipient response to be routed back to the correct user. We use this same technique by default when sending messages to Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL email addresses to ensure positive DMARC validation and increase email deliverability.

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