Data Integration Guide Version 4
Data Retention
GradesFirst allows clients to determine and manage their own data retention policy. Clients have complete control over their data. The application includes a user interface and data import mechanisms that allow clients to alter and remove information. When information is deleted from the GradesFirst application, it is completely removed from our databases.
Populating Student Data in GradesFirst
Student data is exported from the school's information system and is uploaded directly into the GradesFirst application by a user or agent of the school via automation. After successful authentication into the GradesFirst system, the file is uploaded, the data is validated, and then persisted to the GradesFirst database. The school does not experience any down time during this process, and the uploaded file is encrypted and kept on the GradesFirst servers in a secured location for 5 days in case they are needed for customer support issues. After 5 days, the uploaded file is automatically deleted and cannot be recovered. As with any interaction with GradesFirst, this data is transmitted via an SSL encrypted connection. Each institution decides how often data is refreshed from the student information system. Most schools update once daily.
There are a variety of ways to import your data into GradesFirst, and your institution can use whichever one(s) fit your needs best. Non-technical users can easily run one-time imports using the Admin panel inside GradesFirst, or university IT staff can run imports via the GradesFirst API. API imports may use either cURL or SFTP, and they can be run as one-time imports or as automatically recurring imports. Automatic imports offer the advantage of keeping your data in GradesFirst up-to-date, and they reduce the hassle of manually running imports as the semester progresses. University IT staff can set up the automated imports or outsource that work to GradesFirst. Once the automated import is in place, very little if any maintenance is required going forward.
For added security, import files can be encrypted before they are transferred. GradesFirst provides full documentation and support on setting up encrypted uploads. Once the file is encrypted, you can upload it to GradesFirst just as you would any other file, and GradesFirst will automatically handle decrypting and processing of the file as normal.
Testing Data Uploads
GradesFirst allows clients to test their data import files on a test system before going to production. A valid user account will be provided to personnel responsible for testing the data import. Please contact for more information on getting your test account set up.
CSV Data Uploads
GradesFirst data uploads use the CSV file format. Please follow this section to ensure data integrity.
Things to Consider
- The file must be a plain text or flat file with values separated by commas. It needs to be in 8-bit or standard ASCII format, with a file extension of “.csv”.
- Please enclose every field in double quotes. If any field value contains a comma or apostrophe, and the field value is not enclosed in double quotes, the data of the CSV file will be corrupted. This is a standard CSV file format rule. Although it’s not an absolute requirement to include all fields in double quotes, since Names, Majors, Courses, and Addresses often contain apostrophes and commas, we highly recommended enclosing every field in double quotes.
- Editing your file in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel can automatically reformat and corrupt the data by stripping out leading zero’s, changing numbers to letters, and inserting carriage returns. It is not recommended to edit your data files with Excel unless you are an expert user, because it can cause data corruption and/or failed uploads. For this reason, we recommend editing all CSV files with a plain text editor, such as Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac, or vi on Unix.
- If any field contains double quotes as part of the actual data, such as a course named: “An In-Depth Study of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet””, you can insert these double quote characters into your data file by replacing each double quote with two consecutive double quote characters. So, the correct field would be: “An In-Depth Study of Shakespeare’s ““Hamlet”””.
Here is an example of enclosing the field in double quotes by concatenating double quote characters to the beginning and ending of the returned string value and checking for double quotes in the field value:
SELECT ‘”’ || replace(field_name, ‘”’, ‘””’) || ‘”’
AS my_field_name
FROM table_name
- If you want to insert the required Header Record or Column Headers into the import file using SQL, one quick way is to use a UNION statement to accomplish this. (Be sure to account for the syntax of the SQL you are using)
- Below is another example.
SELECT “Student ID”, “Student First Name”, “Student Last Name”
SELECT StudentId, StudentFirstName, StudentLastName
FROM Student_Table;
This will result in the first row to contain the required header record (column headers).
NOTE: The SQL above is an example and the Header Record in the actual import files would need to contain all the columns for each file, respectfully.
Document Header
Each uploaded file should contain the following header on the first line:
GradesFirst Import Version=4
Comments and Column Headers
Data files may contain comments by beginning any line with a ‘#’ symbol. Previous GradesFirst imports (version 1 manual imports) used Column Headers instead of a Document Header. Although no longer required, Column Headers can still be done using comments.
# Object, Action, External ID, Name, Group ID
Single Sign-On
If your university is using Single Sign-On, you will need to coordinate with the IT staff who handle the SSO setup to ensure that you are both using the same user identifier. This ensures that GradesFirst and your university SSO can correctly identify users when they log in. This user identifier must be unique, so the most common examples are: University ID, Login, CWID, UMID, RAM ID, C number, G number, SKG number, ONLID, No photo ID, Peoplesoft Empl ID, etc. We do not recommend using e-mail because some schools may allow duplicate e-mail addresses over time. Whatever identifier you end up using, you have two different fields where can choose to insert this identifier in your upload – the Primary ID or the Alternate ID. After you add this field to your upload, coordinate with the university IT staff member who is handling the SSO, let them know which identifier you are using, and let them know if you placed it in the primary ID field or the alternate ID field. Be sure the SSO server can return this value for each user when they attempt to login to GradesFirst.
Importing Your Data
There are a variety of ways to import your data into GradesFirst, and your school can use whichever one(s) fit your needs best. Non-technical users can easily run one-time imports using the Admin panel inside GradesFirst, or university IT staff can run imports via the GradesFirst API. API imports may use either cURL or SFTP, and they can be run as one-time imports or as automatically recurring imports. Recurring imports offer the advantage of keeping your data in GradesFirst up-to-date, and they reduce the hassle of manually running imports as the semester progresses. To set up recurring imports, your university IT staff will need to write a script to export the data from your student information system, format the data according to this guide, and then upload the data file via the GradesFirst API. For recurring data uploads, schools may upload at their discretion: nightly, weekly, monthly. We ask that schools schedule recurring imports after 7pm CST, but they must be finished by 5am CST.
Manual Imports inside GradesFirst
Perhaps the easiest way to import into GradesFirst is to simply upload your import file using the Admin panel.
- Log into GradesFirst, click the Admin Tab, and click on Data Import.
- Select the Term, choose the CSV file, and click Import My Selected File.
- Verify that the data appears correct, then click Data Sample is Valid.
- You will receive an email confirmation with the results of your import.
API Imports
You can upload API imports using cURL or SFTP. To be sure your systems allow traffic to GradesFirst servers, please see Firewall Exceptions.
Important Note: When selecting a time to schedule your automated upload, please do not schedule your file to import between 5:00am – 6:00am CST. This is our deployment window and all services are stopped during this time. So please ensure all uploads are finished by 5:00am CST.
API Imports with SFTP
You can set up SFTP imports with the help of your GradesFirst trainer during your school’s implementation of GradesFirst. If your implementation has already been completed, simply contact support and we’ll be glad to help out. Here’s the process:
- Add GradesFirst’s IP addresses to your school’s firewall whitelist as outlined above.
- E-mail us the SSH RSA Public Key(s) for the computer(s) that will be sending the import files via SFTP.
- We’ll assign you a username and Internet address where you can send the imports.
- (Optional) If you wish to receive import status e-mails after each import, log into GradesFirst, click on the Admin tab, click on School Settings, and enter your e-mail address under “API Imports E-mail Address”. Click the Update Settings button to save.
- Upload the import file with SFTP.
API Imports with cURL
You can also run API imports using an open-source command line tool named cURL. (Although we recommend cURL, GradesFirst is not responsible for it, and cannot be held liable for damages due to installing or using it.)
Installing cURL on Windows
1. Download the appropriate version of cURL for your version of Windows.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Copy the curl.exe file into C:\Windows\System32
4. To test cURL:
1. Go to Start Menu > Run
2. Type cmd and hit Enter.
3. Type curl --help and hit Enter.
You should see information about the various options cURL provides.
Basic Automated Upload Example for Windows
1. Create a folder at C:\gradesfirst
2. In the C:\gradesfirst folder, create a folder named current and another folder named archive so that you have a folder structure like this:
In this example, the current folder is where new files are placed each day by some automated process. The archive folder is where files will be placed after they are uploaded.
3. In the C:\gradesfirst folder, create a file called upload.bat
In this file, you'll want to include your script for uploads.
An example of what this script might look like is:
CD C:\gradesfirst\current
for %%f in (*.csv) do @curl -u <username>:<api-key> -F "data=@%%f" https://<environment>
move \-y "C:\gradesfirst\current\*.csv" "C:\gradesfirst\archive\"
Be sure to replace the tokens above in your script:
<username> - the username of the GradesFirst user you'll be using for imports.
<api-key> - the GradesFirst import user's API Key. You can see this key by logging in as the import user and navigating to Admin > View My User's API Key)
<environment> - Your school's GradesFirst subdomain for either the training or production site, depending on the site to which you'd like to send information.
Training Site Example:
Production Site Example:
So, the curl command in your script might look like:
curl -u johndoe:7rjto38f0swk4j598 -F "data=@%%f"
4. To test your script:
1. Place one of the sample import test .csv files in the C:\gradesfirst\current folder
2. Go to Start Menu > Run
3. Type cmd and hit Enter.
4. Run your upload.bat file by typing C:\gradesfirst\upload.bat
Within a minute or two, your file should show up in GradesFirst on the Data Import screen (Admin > Data Import).
5. Create a Windows scheduled task so that the upload occurs automatically on a schedule of your choosing. We recommend uploading once a day between the hours of 10 PM and 5 AM central time.
How to create a scheduled task on Windows 7:
- Open Task Scheduler by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Security, clicking Administrative Tools, and then double-clicking Task Scheduler. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
- Click the Action menu, and then click Create Basic Task.
- Type a name for the task and an optional description, and then click Next.
- Select a schedule based on the calendar by clicking Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or One time, click Next; specify the schedule you want to use, and then click Next.
- To schedule a program to start automatically, click Start a program, and then click Next.
- Click Browse to find the program you want to start (your upload.bat file at C:\gradesfirst\upload.bat), and then click Next.
- Click Finish.
Create your API Key
After you’ve installed cURL ,you need to create an API key. (If you are already running automated uploads, you already have an API key. Do not change your API key without good reason, because you must also change the cURL command accordingly.)
- Download cURL. (see above instructions for Windows machines)
- Add GradesFirst’s IP addresses to your school’s firewall whitelist as outlined above.
- (Optional) If you wish to receive import status e-mails, log into GradesFirst, click on the Admin tab, click on School Settings, and enter your e-mail address under “API Imports E-mail Address”. Click the Update Settings button to save.
- After logging into GradesFirst, click the Admin tab, and click "Create your API Key" (on the right).
- Copy the key provided; it will be referred to as <api-key>
- Use the following cURL statement for uploading:
curl -u <username>:<api-key> -F "data=@<file>" https://<environment>
<username> The user login of the user you want to do the import.
<api-key> The key that you received in step 3.
<file> The full local path and name of the file you want to upload.
<environment> The GradesFirst environment you are uploading to. "app" and "training" are the
most frequent options with "app" being the production environment. - Run your command to upload the file.
GradesFirst Data Layouts
The following are the formats for the different types of records within GradesFirst. The easiest way to run your imports is to create a single CSV file that contains all the different types of records, but you can also import one file for each type of record if you wish. In either situation, you need to follow a set order as you are importing your records. This order is outlined below – if you are using a single CSV file for your entire upload, place the records in this order. If you are using one CSV file for each upload type, you need to run the imports in this order.
Important Note: If you are using the data integration guide version 1 to import your student records, and only using version 4 to supplement the import, you do not need to import all of the below required record types. For example, if you were simply using version 4 to import your Student/Advisor
assignment, you would simply need to create, and import, the Relationship file.
- Term *
- Major
- Category
- Course *
- Section *
- User *
- Grouping *
- Authorize
- Registration *
- Enrollment *
- Instruction *
- Declaration
- Categorize
- Tag
- Absence
- Relationship
- Advisor Notes
* Signifies required record types for using version 4 to import all your student information.
Instruction Conventions
Below are tables that describe the various object imports. Descriptions include:
- Columns: easily referable column name; has no purpose as imports are column order specific
- Required: Either “yes”, “no”, or a list of actions for which the field is required.
- Description: simple description of the content for the column
Anytime you see “External ID” for an object, that is the Unique Key at the University. Anytime you see “<object_name> ID”, that is a reference to the other object’s “External ID.”
Combining multiple types of records in a single file
If you don’t want to run one import of each type, thereby having 10-20 different imports, it is much easier to simply include multiple types of imports in a single file. As long as you follow the correct order noted on the previous page, you’ll be fine.
Clearing Data Fields
To enable capturing certain data points via manual data entry, as well as combining imports from disparate systems, certain data fields require adding a dash ("-") to the import file in order to clear the value from the system. Those fields are:
- Overall GPA
- Term GPA
- Midterm Grade
- Final Grade
- First Name
- Last Name
- Alternate Email
- Home Phone
- Cell Phone
- Work Phone
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State
- Zip
- High School Zip
- Household Income
- Total Credit Hours
- Total Credit Hours Attempted
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Date of Birth
- Enrollment Status
- Enrollment Goal
- User PIN
- Alternate External ID
Types of Imports (Alphabetical)
This is the file that will be used to assign absences to students for an enrollment. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"absence" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to create an absence |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the user that will be given the absence. |
Section ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the section to mark the absence for. |
Date | Yes | The date of the absence. Example, mm/dd/yyyy |
Comment | No | |
Excused | No | "Y" for excused and "N" for unexcused. This always defaults to unexcused. |
Advisor Notes
This is the file that is used to import notes or comments about students directly into the Advisor’s Note field. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
“note” | Yes | Record Type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be “add” to import a note or comment about a student. |
Student ID | Yes | The student’s ID the note or comment is in reference to. |
Group ID | Yes | The Group ID of the group where the note is connected to the student. |
Private? | Yes | Value should be “Y’ or “N”. Represents if note or comment is only viewable by the advisor. |
Viewable by Student? | Yes | “Y” or “N” value. Represents if note or comment is viewable by the student. |
Show on Student Report? | Yes | “Y” or “N” value. Represents if not is viewable on student development report. |
Created at | Yes | Example, mm/dd/yyyy . Date the note was created. |
Created by | Yes | User_ID of the advisor who created this note. |
Note or Comment | Yes | This is the actual comment that will be imported as an advisor’s note. |
URL | No | A URL relevant to this note. |
Note Reasons | No | A comma-separated list of note reasons |
HTML Formatting | No | "Y" or "N" value. |
GradesFirst Import Version=4 #Object, Action, Primary_Student_Id, Group_Id, Is_Private?, Student_View?, Show_on_Reports?, Created_On, Created_By, Body, URL, Note Reasons, HTML "note","add","905123","GradesFirst University","Y","Y","Y","01/07/2015","905789","Andrew received excellent tutoring at our tutor center","","Success Coaching,Academic Plan","Y"
This is the file that will assign users to a specific Role. Sets a particular user to be a student, advisor, professor, etc. in GradesFirst. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"authorize" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a role to a user |
Role ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the role. This identifier has to be added to the role through the administrative section of GradesFirst. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the user that will be given the role |
Example 1:
Example 2:
Creates categories in GradesFirst and assigns them to a group. For example, our athletic clients use categories to identify which team their students are on (e.g. Football, Baseball, Softball). See “Categorize” for instructions on assigning students to categories. Dropping a category will cause all users to be removed from that category. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"category" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update a category |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this category. Ex. “fbl”. |
Name | Yes | The name of the category. Ex. “Football”. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for a group. |
Links the students to the categories. Categories must be previously defined in GradesFirst either via import “Category” above or manual via the website. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"categorize" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a categorization to a user |
Category ID | Yes/No | The unique identifier for the category. Ex. “fbl”. This field is NOT required if you wish to remove all categories linked to a student ID (see example 2, line 3). |
Primary User ID | Yes/No | The unique identifier for the user being categorized. This field is NOT required if you wish to remove all students from a specific category (see example 2, line 4). |
Example 1:
Example 2:
Creates a record of a Course. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"course" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a course |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this course. |
Name/ Course ID | Yes | For example ... CS-101, ENG-101 |
Title | Yes | For example ... "Introduction to Computers" |
Credit Hours | No |
Links the student to additional majors not listed in the User record. Majors must be previously defined in GradesFirst either via import “Major” or manual via the website. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"declaration"* | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update a major |
Primary User ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this user. |
External ID | Yes / No | A unique identifier for this major. Ex. “ENG”. This field is NOT required if you wish to remove all majors linked to a student ID. |
*This record type was previously known as “user_major.” While this terminology may still be used, we encourage our users to use the terminology “declaration” moving forward.
Links the students to the course Section. Required. Use the “drop_all” action to drop all enrollments for a user for a term. This is typically used the drop all enrollments for user, then subsequently allows for adding back the “undropped courses.” Using “drop_all” ensures the university doesn’t have to track “dropped” enrollments, and only has to track those users still enrolled.
Columns | Required | Description |
"enrollment" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update an enrollment, "drop" to drop an enrollment, “drop_all” to drop an enrollment, |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the student to be enrolled in the section. |
Section ID or Term ID* | Yes | The unique identifier for the section to enroll the student in. * Term ID is only used if using the “drop_all” action. |
Midterm Grade ID | No | The unique identifier for the midterm grade. (Empty if using “drop_all” action) |
Final Grade ID | No | The unique identifier for the final grade. (Empty if using “drop_all” action) |
Dropped At Date | No | This is a date field. A valid date should be mm/dd/yyyy |
Withdrawn | No | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. If marked “Y”, the enrollment will be marked as withdrawn. |
The following version of the enrollment record will drop all the enrollments in a term. This is used for when the school cannot create explicit drop records for students who have dropped enrollments.
Columns | Required | Description |
"enrollment" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "drop_all_for_term". |
Term ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the term which includes the section the student is enrolled in. |
GradesFirst Import Version=4 # Object, Action, User_ID, Section_ID, Midterm_Grade, Final_Grade, Dropped_At, Withdrawn "enrollment","add","905123","ENG101-12","A","B","10/20/2017","N" "enrollment","drop_all_for_term","Spring2012"
Links the students to a specific Group. Students may be linked to multiple groups. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"grouping" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a user to a group |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the group. This identifier has to be added to the role through the administrative section of GradesFirst. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the user that will be added to the group. |
Links professors as instructors for course Section. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"instruction" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add an instructor to a section |
Section ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the section (External ID) the professor is instructing. |
Primary User ID | Yes/No * |
Creates a record of a Major, but does not link the Major to any students. That is done during the User import. The Majors must be imported first or appear ahead of the Users. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"major" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update a major |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this major. Ex. “ENG”. |
Name | Yes | The name of this major. Ex. “English”. |
Creates a Notes record for a student. Notes, at this time, only have the ability to be added via an import file.
Columns | Required | Description |
“note” | Yes | Record type. |
“add” | Yes | This value must be "add" to add a Note. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the student for whom this note will be created. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the group being registered into. |
Is Private? | Yes | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. If marked “Y”, the note will only be viewable by the note creator. |
Is Student Viewable | Yes | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. If marked “Y”, the note will be viewable by the student. |
Show on Student Report | Yes | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. This option allows this note to be visible on the Student Development report. |
Created on | Yes | This is a date field. A valid date should be mm/dd/yy |
Create by | Yes | This value should be the Primary User ID of the note creator. |
Note Body | Yes | This field contains the body (of details) of the note. |
Note URL | No | This field can contain a website URL |
Creates a link between a Student and a Term. If students are showing under classes, yet do not show in searches, typically there are errors in the Registrations. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"registration" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a registration |
Term ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the term being registered into. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the student being registered. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the group being registered into. |
Classification | No | Valid values for four year institutions are FR=Freshman, SO=Sophomore, JR=Junior, SR=Senior, and GR=Graduate. For two year institutions AE=Adult Education, CE=Continuing Education, SK=Skills, and CR=Credit. |
Overall GPA | No | |
Term GPA | No | |
Creates a relationship between a single parent Advisor / Coach / Professor / Tutor and a child Student. This file is used to link students to an advisory type user. For example, if you wish to import your student’s advisor assignment from your SIS (Student Information System) so you do not have to manually assign those in GradesFirst. Typically you would not use this file to assign professors to students unless you are using faculty advising in GradesFirst. Not a required file.
Columns | Required | Description |
"relationship" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to create a relationship |
Name | Yes | The name of the relationship. Must be one of the following: "advisor", "coach", "professor", "tutor". |
Parent Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the parent user in the relationship, i.e. the advisor or coach. |
Child Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the child user in the relationship, i.e. the student. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for a group. |
Example 1:
Example 2:
Creates the course Section for each Course. Courses must be created prior to creating the course Section. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"section" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a section |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this section. ***THIS ID MUST BE UNIQUE ACROSS TERMS*** Please discuss with your Client Success Manager for more information. |
Course External ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the course for this section. Note: this is the external ID of the course, not the Course ID / Name. |
Term ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the term for this section. |
Section Name | Yes | For example ... "1", "A", etc. |
Section Tags | No | This data is used to create Section Tags within GradesFirst. Section tags are used to automate absence notifications (e.g. emails) to students, professors and/or advisors via an absence email template. |
Begin Date | No | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
End Date | No | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
Start Time | No | 24 hour clock: hh:mm |
End Time | No | 24 hour clock: hh:mm |
Meeting Days | No | Any grouping of the following: SuMTWRFSa |
Location | No | Example would be "Harris Hall - Room 213-A". |
Additional meetings | No | Repeat the Begin Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time, Meeting Days, and Location fields until all meeting times are specified. Repeat until all date ranges have been imported. |
If multiple date ranges are needed for a section with different dates, times, days of the week and location. The import format below should be used. For example, if you have a course that meets every other week on the third Saturday during the term (or for different date ranges), this format is for you.
In the example above, the English course has a 2 week break from 3/1 to 3/15
Creates and assigns Tags to particular students in a particular Group. Tags can be used to identify types of students. For example, an Athletic department might have a Category of Football, but if they want to be even more precise, they could create a tag called “Linebackers”, and assign these players this tag. This would allow them to do things like e-mail all their Linebackers at the click of a button. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"tag" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a tag to a use |
Tag | Yes | A tag to add to the user, i.e. "trio", "" |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for a group. |
Primary User ID | "add" | The unique identifier for the user being tagged. |
This record set creates terms in GradesFirst. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"term" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | Currently only the "add" action is supported which adds or updates the term. |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this term. |
Name | Yes | For example "Spring 2010" |
Begin Date | Yes | The date classes begin for the term in the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
End Date | Yes | The date classes end for the term in the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
Adds, modifies, or deletes users in GradesFirst. Does NOT assign the user to a Group or Term, which is performed in Grouping and Registration respectively. Simply importing students does not make them viewable. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"user" | Yes | Record type |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a user |
Primary User ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this user. |
Is Active? | Yes | "Y" for active and "N" for inactive. |
Can Login? | Yes | If marked “Y”, imported users will be able to access GradesFirst once they have activated their GradesFirst account (see Send Activation Email below for more details). If “N”, then specified users will not have the ability to access GradesFirst. |
Send Activation Email | Yes | “Y” to send or “N” to not send activation email. In order for users to gain access to GradesFirst, they will first need to activate their account. This is done when the user clicks the “Activate my GradesFirst account” link in their activation email. If this option is marked “Y”, users will automatically receive an activation email when they are imported into GradesFirst. Once a user has been activated, they will not receive a second activation email even if this option is set to “Y”. Most schools default this option to “N” to prevent these activation emails from being sent out until they are ready for users to begin logging into GradesFirst. When ready, these activation emails can be sent out via the GradesFirst user interface. |
First Name | Yes | |
Last Name | Yes | |
Alternate User ID | No | A secondary identifier for the user that must also be unique among all other Secondary and Unique Ids. |
Role ID | Yes | The initial GradesFirst role for the user. |
No | While emails are not required, not providing them will greatly limit the functionality in GradesFirst (e.g. Progress Reports/Early Alerts, Communications). Therefore we strongly urge you to include all emails in your import file. | |
Alternate Email | No | |
Address 1 | No | |
Address 2 | No | |
City | No | |
State | No | |
Postal Code | No | |
Home Phone | No | Format should be: 555-123-9876 Note: If your school is located outside the US, please do not import phone numbers that include your country code. |
Cell Phone | No | Format should be: 555-123-9876 Note: If your school is located outside the US, please do not import phone numbers that include your country code. |
Work Phone | No | Format should be: 555-123-9876 |
Gender | No | Valid values include “M”, “MALE”, “F”, “FEMALE”, “O”, “OTHER” |
Ethnicity | No | |
Date Of Birth | No | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
Total Credit Hours | No | |
Credit Hours Attempted | No | |
Major ID | No | The unique identifier for the major for this student. |
Student Enrollment Status | No | Custom text that described a student’s enrollment status |
Student Enrollment Goal | No | Custom text that described a student’s enrollment goal |
PIN | No | A number used as a digital signature mechanism for staff members who take attendance. |
SSO ID | No | A unique user identifier that can be used with Single Sign-On. |
ACT Total | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT English | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT Reading | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT Math | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT Science | No | This should be a numeric value |
SAT Total | No | This should be a numeric value |
SAT Verbal | No | This should be a numeric value |
SAT Math | No | This should be a numeric value |
High School GPA | No | Valid values include: 3.12, 0.1234 |
1st Generation College Student? | No | Supported values: “Y” or “N” |
Father Education | No | Supported values: "None", "High School Diploma", "2 Year College Degree", "4 Year College Degree", "Graduate Degree" |
Mother Education | No | Supported values: "None", "High School Diploma", "2 Year College Degree", "4 Year College Degree", "Graduate Degree" |
High School Zip Code | No | This should be a numeric value |
Household Income | No | This should ONLY be a numeric value, excluding commas and symbols (e.g. “$”). Valid examples are: 100000, 85000, 63500 |
Single Parent Family? | No | Supported values: “Y” or “N” |
Transfer GPA | No | Valid values include: 3.12, 2.1234 |
Home College | No | This field is user-definable and may contain any text as long as it is less than 255 characters. |
Receive Text Messages | No | Support values: "Y" or "N" |
Represents a visit or check-in to the system for the specified user, location, service, and course.
Columns | Required | Data Type | Max Length | Foreign Key | Description |
"visit" | Yes | varchar | Record type. | ||
Action | Yes | varchar | The value will be "add" to add a visit | ||
Location Name | Yes | varchar | 255 | location:name | The name of the location where the student checked in. |
Primary User ID | Yes | varchar | 255 | user:primary_user_id | The unique identifier for the user associated with the visit. |
Student Service Name | Yes | varchar | 255 | The name of the student service associated with the visit. | |
Group ID | Yes | varchar | 255 | group:external_id | The unique identifier for a group. |
Check-in DateTime | Yes | datetime | 16 | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. | |
Check-out DateTime | Yes | datetime | 16 | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. | |
Course Name | No | varchar | 255 | course:name | The name of the course associated with the visit. |
GradesFirst Import Version=5 #Object, Action, Location_Name, Primary_User_ID, Student_Service_Name, Group_ID, Check_In_DateTime, Check_Out_DateTime, Course_Name "visit","add","Student Center","012345","Career Counseling","GradesFirst University","01/23/1984 12:30","01/23/1984 13:30","Mathematics"
Imports Dashboard
The Imports Dashboard allows you to view all your current imports and a 7-day history of your imports. It displays imports that are currently running, imports that are waiting on the server queue, recent imports that were successful, and recent imports that had errors.
To open the imports dashboard:
- Log into GradesFirst
- Click on the Admin Tab
- Click the “Data Import” link in the Import/Data API section
Frequently Asked Questions
Who owns the data that a school uploads and inputs into the GradesFirst system?
Clients own their data contained within GradesFirst. This is clearly stated in the service agreement as well.
When classes are dropped from a student’s schedule, either through the data upload or GradesFirst interface, does GradesFirst mark classes as dropped or delete them from the student’s schedule entirely?
GradesFirst will mark the class as dropped so the user can tell which classes have been dropped during the term.
If a student that is currently in the GradesFirst system and is not included in a subsequent file upload, will the student’s record be affected in any way?
No. If a student is not included in the data import file, their record in GradesFirst will not be affected. Removing a student from GradesFirst requires action from a user.
Populating Student Data in GradesFirst
Student data is exported from the school's information system and is uploaded directly into the GradesFirst application by a user or agent of the school via automation. After successful authentication into the GradesFirst system, the file is uploaded, the data is validated, and then persisted to the GradesFirst database. The school does not experience any down time during this process, and the uploaded file is encrypted and kept on the GradesFirst servers in a secured location for 5 days in case they are needed for customer support issues. After 5 days, the uploaded file is automatically deleted and cannot be recovered. As with any interaction with GradesFirst, this data is transmitted via an SSL encrypted connection. Each institution decides how often data is refreshed from the student information system. Most schools update once daily.
There are a variety of ways to import your data into GradesFirst, and your institution can use whichever one(s) fit your needs best. Non-technical users can easily run one-time imports using the Admin panel inside GradesFirst, or university IT staff can run imports via the GradesFirst API. API imports may use either cURL or SFTP, and they can be run as one-time imports or as automatically recurring imports. Automatic imports offer the advantage of keeping your data in GradesFirst up-to-date, and they reduce the hassle of manually running imports as the semester progresses. University IT staff can set up the automated imports or outsource that work to GradesFirst. Once the automated import is in place, very little if any maintenance is required going forward.
For added security, import files can be encrypted before they are transferred. GradesFirst provides full documentation and support on setting up encrypted uploads. Once the file is encrypted, you can upload it to GradesFirst just as you would any other file, and GradesFirst will automatically handle decrypting and processing of the file as normal.
Testing Data Uploads
GradesFirst allows clients to test their data import files on a test system before going to production. A valid user account will be provided to personnel responsible for testing the data import. Please contact for more information on getting your test account set up.
CSV Data Uploads
GradesFirst data uploads use the CSV file format. Please follow this section to ensure data integrity.
Things to Consider
- The file must be a plain text or flat file with values separated by commas. It needs to be in 8-bit or standard ASCII format, with a file extension of “.csv”.
- Please enclose every field in double quotes. If any field value contains a comma or apostrophe, and the field value is not enclosed in double quotes, the data of the CSV file will be corrupted. This is a standard CSV file format rule. Although it’s not an absolute requirement to include all fields in double quotes, since Names, Majors, Courses, and Addresses often contain apostrophes and commas, we highly recommended enclosing every field in double quotes.
- Editing your file in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel can automatically reformat and corrupt the data by stripping out leading zero’s, changing numbers to letters, and inserting carriage returns. It is not recommended to edit your data files with Excel unless you are an expert user, because it can cause data corruption and/or failed uploads. For this reason, we recommend editing all CSV files with a plain text editor, such as Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac, or vi on Unix.
- If any field contains double quotes as part of the actual data, such as a course named: “An In-Depth Study of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet””, you can insert these double quote characters into your data file by replacing each double quote with two consecutive double quote characters. So, the correct field would be: “An In-Depth Study of Shakespeare’s ““Hamlet”””.
Here is an example of enclosing the field in double quotes by concatenating double quote characters to the beginning and ending of the returned string value and checking for double quotes in the field value:
SELECT ‘”’ || replace(field_name, ‘”’, ‘””’) || ‘”’
AS my_field_name
FROM table_name
- If you want to insert the required Header Record or Column Headers into the import file using SQL, one quick way is to use a UNION statement to accomplish this. (Be sure to account for the syntax of the SQL you are using)
- Below is another example.
SELECT “Student ID”, “Student First Name”, “Student Last Name”
SELECT StudentId, StudentFirstName, StudentLastName
FROM Student_Table;
This will result in the first row to contain the required header record (column headers).
NOTE: The SQL above is an example and the Header Record in the actual import files would need to contain all the columns for each file, respectfully.
Document Header
Each uploaded file should contain the following header on the first line:
GradesFirst Import Version=4
Comments and Column Headers
Data files may contain comments by beginning any line with a ‘#’ symbol. Previous GradesFirst imports (version 1 manual imports) used Column Headers instead of a Document Header. Although no longer required, Column Headers can still be done using comments.
# Object, Action, External ID, Name, Group ID
Single Sign-On
If your university is using Single Sign-On, you will need to coordinate with the IT staff who handle the SSO setup to ensure that you are both using the same user identifier. This ensures that GradesFirst and your university SSO can correctly identify users when they log in. This user identifier must be unique, so the most common examples are: University ID, Login, CWID, UMID, RAM ID, C number, G number, SKG number, ONLID, No photo ID, Peoplesoft Empl ID, etc. We do not recommend using e-mail because some schools may allow duplicate e-mail addresses over time. Whatever identifier you end up using, you have two different fields where can choose to insert this identifier in your upload – the Primary ID or the Alternate ID. After you add this field to your upload, coordinate with the university IT staff member who is handling the SSO, let them know which identifier you are using, and let them know if you placed it in the primary ID field or the alternate ID field. Be sure the SSO server can return this value for each user when they attempt to login to GradesFirst.
Importing Your Data
There are a variety of ways to import your data into GradesFirst, and your school can use whichever one(s) fit your needs best. Non-technical users can easily run one-time imports using the Admin panel inside GradesFirst, or university IT staff can run imports via the GradesFirst API. API imports may use either cURL or SFTP, and they can be run as one-time imports or as automatically recurring imports. Recurring imports offer the advantage of keeping your data in GradesFirst up-to-date, and they reduce the hassle of manually running imports as the semester progresses. To set up recurring imports, your university IT staff will need to write a script to export the data from your student information system, format the data according to this guide, and then upload the data file via the GradesFirst API. For recurring data uploads, schools may upload at their discretion: nightly, weekly, monthly. We ask that schools schedule recurring imports after 7pm CST, but they must be finished by 5am CST.
Manual Imports inside GradesFirst
Perhaps the easiest way to import into GradesFirst is to simply upload your import file using the Admin panel.
- Log into GradesFirst, click the Admin Tab, and click on Data Import.
- Select the Term, choose the CSV file, and click Import My Selected File.
- Verify that the data appears correct, then click Data Sample is Valid.
- You will receive an email confirmation with the results of your import.
API Imports
You can upload API imports using cURL or SFTP. To be sure your systems allow traffic to GradesFirst servers, please see Firewall Exceptions.
Important Note: When selecting a time to schedule your automated upload, please do not schedule your file to import between 5:00am – 6:00am CST. This is our deployment window and all services are stopped during this time. So please ensure all uploads are finished by 5:00am CST.
API Imports with SFTP
You can set up SFTP imports with the help of your GradesFirst trainer during your school’s implementation of GradesFirst. If your implementation has already been completed, simply contact support and we’ll be glad to help out. Here’s the process:
- Add GradesFirst’s IP addresses to your school’s firewall whitelist as outlined above.
- E-mail us the SSH RSA Public Key(s) for the computer(s) that will be sending the import files via SFTP.
- We’ll assign you a username and Internet address where you can send the imports.
- (Optional) If you wish to receive import status e-mails after each import, log into GradesFirst, click on the Admin tab, click on School Settings, and enter your e-mail address under “API Imports E-mail Address”. Click the Update Settings button to save.
- Upload the import file with SFTP.
API Imports with cURL
You can also run API imports using an open-source command line tool named cURL. (Although we recommend cURL, GradesFirst is not responsible for it, and cannot be held liable for damages due to installing or using it.)
Installing cURL on Windows
1. Download the appropriate version of cURL for your version of Windows.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Copy the curl.exe file into C:\Windows\System32
4. To test cURL:
1. Go to Start Menu > Run
2. Type cmd and hit Enter.
3. Type curl --help and hit Enter.
You should see information about the various options cURL provides.
Basic Automated Upload Example for Windows
1. Create a folder at C:\gradesfirst
2. In the C:\gradesfirst folder, create a folder named current and another folder named archive so that you have a folder structure like this:
In this example, the current folder is where new files are placed each day by some automated process. The archive folder is where files will be placed after they are uploaded.
3. In the C:\gradesfirst folder, create a file called upload.bat
In this file, you'll want to include your script for uploads.
An example of what this script might look like is:
CD C:\gradesfirst\current
for %%f in (*.csv) do @curl -u <username>:<api-key> -F "data=@%%f" https://<environment>
move \-y "C:\gradesfirst\current\*.csv" "C:\gradesfirst\archive\"
Be sure to replace the tokens above in your script:
<username> - the username of the GradesFirst user you'll be using for imports.
<api-key> - the GradesFirst import user's API Key. You can see this key by logging in as the import user and navigating to Admin > View My User's API Key)
<environment> - Your school's GradesFirst subdomain for either the training or production site, depending on the site to which you'd like to send information.
Training Site Example:
Production Site Example:
So, the curl command in your script might look like:
curl -u johndoe:7rjto38f0swk4j598 -F "data=@%%f"
4. To test your script:
1. Place one of the sample import test .csv files in the C:\gradesfirst\current folder
2. Go to Start Menu > Run
3. Type cmd and hit Enter.
4. Run your upload.bat file by typing C:\gradesfirst\upload.bat
Within a minute or two, your file should show up in GradesFirst on the Data Import screen (Admin > Data Import).
5. Create a Windows scheduled task so that the upload occurs automatically on a schedule of your choosing. We recommend uploading once a day between the hours of 10 PM and 5 AM central time.
How to create a scheduled task on Windows 7:
- Open Task Scheduler by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Security, clicking Administrative Tools, and then double-clicking Task Scheduler. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
- Click the Action menu, and then click Create Basic Task.
- Type a name for the task and an optional description, and then click Next.
- Select a schedule based on the calendar by clicking Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or One time, click Next; specify the schedule you want to use, and then click Next.
- To schedule a program to start automatically, click Start a program, and then click Next.
- Click Browse to find the program you want to start (your upload.bat file at C:\gradesfirst\upload.bat), and then click Next.
- Click Finish.
Create your API Key
After you’ve installed cURL ,you need to create an API key. (If you are already running automated uploads, you already have an API key. Do not change your API key without good reason, because you must also change the cURL command accordingly.)
- Download cURL. (see above instructions for Windows machines)
- Add GradesFirst’s IP addresses to your school’s firewall whitelist as outlined above.
- (Optional) If you wish to receive import status e-mails, log into GradesFirst, click on the Admin tab, click on School Settings, and enter your e-mail address under “API Imports E-mail Address”. Click the Update Settings button to save.
- After logging into GradesFirst, click the Admin tab, and click "Create your API Key" (on the right).
- Copy the key provided; it will be referred to as <api-key>
- Use the following cURL statement for uploading:
curl -u <username>:<api-key> -F "data=@<file>" https://<environment>
<username> The user login of the user you want to do the import.
<api-key> The key that you received in step 3.
<file> The full local path and name of the file you want to upload.
<environment> The GradesFirst environment you are uploading to. "app" and "training" are the
most frequent options with "app" being the production environment. - Run your command to upload the file.
GradesFirst Data Layouts
The following are the formats for the different types of records within GradesFirst. The easiest way to run your imports is to create a single CSV file that contains all the different types of records, but you can also import one file for each type of record if you wish. In either situation, you need to follow a set order as you are importing your records. This order is outlined below – if you are using a single CSV file for your entire upload, place the records in this order. If you are using one CSV file for each upload type, you need to run the imports in this order.
Important Note: If you are using the data integration guide version 1 to import your student records, and only using version 4 to supplement the import, you do not need to import all of the below required record types. For example, if you were simply using version 4 to import your Student/Advisor
assignment, you would simply need to create, and import, the Relationship file.
- Term *
- Major
- Category
- Course *
- Section *
- User *
- Grouping *
- Authorize
- Registration *
- Enrollment *
- Instruction *
- Declaration
- Categorize
- Tag
- Absence
- Relationship
- Advisor Notes
* Signifies required record types for using version 4 to import all your student information.
Instruction Conventions
Below are tables that describe the various object imports. Descriptions include:
- Columns: easily referable column name; has no purpose as imports are column order specific
- Required: Either “yes”, “no”, or a list of actions for which the field is required.
- Description: simple description of the content for the column
Anytime you see “External ID” for an object, that is the Unique Key at the University. Anytime you see “<object_name> ID”, that is a reference to the other object’s “External ID.”
Combining multiple types of records in a single file
If you don’t want to run one import of each type, thereby having 10-20 different imports, it is much easier to simply include multiple types of imports in a single file. As long as you follow the correct order noted on the previous page, you’ll be fine.
Clearing Data Fields
To enable capturing certain data points via manual data entry, as well as combining imports from disparate systems, certain data fields require adding a dash ("-") to the import file in order to clear the value from the system. Those fields are:
- Overall GPA
- Term GPA
- Midterm Grade
- Final Grade
- First Name
- Last Name
- Alternate Email
- Home Phone
- Cell Phone
- Work Phone
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State
- Zip
- High School Zip
- Household Income
- Total Credit Hours
- Total Credit Hours Attempted
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Date of Birth
- Enrollment Status
- Enrollment Goal
- User PIN
- Alternate External ID
Types of Imports (Alphabetical)
This is the file that will be used to assign absences to students for an enrollment. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"absence" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to create an absence |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the user that will be given the absence. |
Section ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the section to mark the absence for. |
Date | Yes | The date of the absence. Example, mm/dd/yyyy |
Comment | No | |
Excused | No | "Y" for excused and "N" for unexcused. This always defaults to unexcused. |
Advisor Notes
This is the file that is used to import notes or comments about students directly into the Advisor’s Note field. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
“note” | Yes | Record Type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be “add” to import a note or comment about a student. |
Student ID | Yes | The student’s ID the note or comment is in reference to. |
Group ID | Yes | The Group ID of the group where the note is connected to the student. |
Private? | Yes | Value should be “Y’ or “N”. Represents if note or comment is only viewable by the advisor. |
Viewable by Student? | Yes | “Y” or “N” value. Represents if note or comment is viewable by the student. |
Show on Student Report? | Yes | “Y” or “N” value. Represents if not is viewable on student development report. |
Created at | Yes | Example, mm/dd/yyyy . Date the note was created. |
Created by | Yes | User_ID of the advisor who created this note. |
Note or Comment | Yes | This is the actual comment that will be imported as an advisor’s note. |
URL | No | A URL relevant to this note. |
Note Reasons | No | A comma-separated list of note reasons |
#Object, Action, Primary_Student_Id, Group_Id, Is_Private?, Student_View?, Show_on_Reports?, Created_On, Created_By, Body, URL, Note Reasons "note","add","905123","GradesFirst University","Y","Y","Y","01/07/2015","905789","Andrew received excellent tutoring at our tutor center","","Success Coaching,Academic Plan"
This is the file that will assign users to a specific Role. Sets a particular user to be a student, advisor, professor, etc. in GradesFirst. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"authorize" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a role to a user |
Role ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the role. This identifier has to be added to the role through the administrative section of GradesFirst. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the user that will be given the role |
Example 1:
Example 2:
Creates categories in GradesFirst and assigns them to a group. For example, our athletic clients use categories to identify which team their students are on (e.g. Football, Baseball, Softball). See “Categorize” for instructions on assigning students to categories. Dropping a category will cause all users to be removed from that category. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"category" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update a category |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this category. Ex. “fbl”. |
Name | Yes | The name of the category. Ex. “Football”. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for a group. |
Links the students to the categories. Categories must be previously defined in GradesFirst either via import “Category” above or manual via the website. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"categorize" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a categorization to a user |
Category ID | Yes/No | The unique identifier for the category. Ex. “fbl”. This field is NOT required if you wish to remove all categories linked to a student ID (see example 2, line 3). |
Primary User ID | Yes/No | The unique identifier for the user being categorized. This field is NOT required if you wish to remove all students from a specific category (see example 2, line 4). |
Example 1:
Example 2:
Creates a record of a Course. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"course" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a course |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this course. |
Name/ Course ID | Yes | For example ... CS-101, ENG-101 |
Title | Yes | For example ... "Introduction to Computers" |
Credit Hours | No |
Links the student to additional majors not listed in the User record. Majors must be previously defined in GradesFirst either via import “Major” or manual via the website. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"declaration"* | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update a major |
Primary User ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this user. |
External ID | Yes / No | A unique identifier for this major. Ex. “ENG”. This field is NOT required if you wish to remove all majors linked to a student ID. |
*This record type was previously known as “user_major.” While this terminology may still be used, we encourage our users to use the terminology “declaration” moving forward.
Links the students to the course Section. Required. Use the “drop_all” action to drop all enrollments for a user for a term. This is typically used the drop all enrollments for user, then subsequently allows for adding back the “undropped courses.” Using “drop_all” ensures the university doesn’t have to track “dropped” enrollments, and only has to track those users still enrolled.
Columns | Required | Description |
"enrollment" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update an enrollment, "drop" to drop an enrollment, “drop_all” to drop an enrollment |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the student to be enrolled in the section. |
Section ID or Term ID* | Yes | The unique identifier for the section to enroll the student in. * Term ID is only used if using the “drop_all” action. |
Midterm Grade ID | No | The unique identifier for the midterm grade. (Empty if using “drop_all” action) |
Final Grade ID | No | The unique identifier for the final grade. (Empty if using “drop_all” action) |
The following version of the enrollment record will drop all the enrollments in a term. This is used for when the school cannot create explicit drop records for students who have dropped enrollments.
Columns | Required | Description |
"enrollment" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "drop_all_for_term". |
Term ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the term which includes the section the student is enrolled in. |
GradesFirst Import Version=4 # Object, Action, User_ID, Section_ID, Midterm_Grade, Final_Grade "enrollment","add","905123","ENG101-12","A","B" "enrollment","drop_all_for_term","Spring2012"
Links the students to a specific Group. Students may be linked to multiple groups. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"grouping" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a user to a group |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the group. This identifier has to be added to the role through the administrative section of GradesFirst. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the user that will be added to the group. |
Links professors as instructors for course Section. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"instruction" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add an instructor to a section |
Section ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the section (External ID) the professor is instructing. |
Primary User ID | Yes/No * | The unique identifier for the professor. * This column is required for "add" . |
Creates a record of a Major, but does not link the Major to any students. That is done during the User import. The Majors must be imported first or appear ahead of the Users. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"major" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add or update a major |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this major. Ex. “ENG”. |
Name | Yes | The name of this major. Ex. “English”. |
Creates a Notes record for a student. Notes, at this time, only have the ability to be added via an import file.
Columns | Required | Description |
“note” | Yes | Record type. |
“add” | Yes | This value must be "add" to add a Note. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the student for whom this note will be created. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the group being registered into. |
Is Private? | Yes | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. If marked “Y”, the note will only be viewable by the note creator. |
Is Student Viewable | Yes | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. If marked “Y”, the note will be viewable by the student. |
Show on Student Report | Yes | Valid values are “Y” or “N”. This option allows this note to be visible on the Student Development report. |
Created on | Yes | This is a date field. A valid date should be mm/dd/yy |
Create by | Yes | This value should be the Primary User ID of the note creator. |
Note Body | Yes | This field contains the body (of details) of the note. |
Note URL | No | This field can contain a website URL |
Creates a link between a Student and a Term. If students are showing under classes, yet do not show in searches, typically there are errors in the Registrations. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"registration" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a registration |
Term ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the term being registered into. |
Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the student being registered. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the group being registered into. |
Classification | No | Valid values for four year institutions are FR=Freshman, SO=Sophomore, JR=Junior, SR=Senior, and GR=Graduate. For two year institutions AE=Adult Education, CE=Continuing Education, SK=Skills, and CR=Credit. |
Overall GPA | No | |
Term GPA | No | |
Creates a relationship between a single parent Advisor / Coach / Professor / Tutor and a child Student. This file is used to link students to an advisory type user. For example, if you wish to import your student’s advisor assignment from your SIS (Student Information System) so you do not have to manually assign those in GradesFirst. Typically you would not use this file to assign professors to students unless you are using faculty advising in GradesFirst. Not a required file.
Columns | Required | Description |
"relationship" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to create a relationship |
Name | Yes | The name of the relationship. Must be one of the following: "advisor", "coach", "professor", "tutor". |
Parent Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the parent user in the relationship, i.e. the advisor or coach. |
Child Primary User ID | Yes | The unique identifier for the child user in the relationship, i.e. the student. |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for a group. |
Example 1:
Example 2:
Creates the course Section for each Course. Courses must be created prior to creating the course Section. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"section" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a section |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this section. ***THIS ID MUST BE UNIQUE ACROSS TERMS*** Please discuss with your Client Success Manager for more information. |
Course External ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the course for this section. Note: this is the external ID of the course, not the Course ID / Name. |
Term ID | Yes | The unique identifier of the term for this section. |
Section Name | Yes | For example ... "1", "A", etc. |
Section Tags | No | This data is used to create Section Tags within GradesFirst. Section tags are used to automate absence notifications (e.g. emails) to students, professors and/or advisors via an absence email template. |
Begin Date | No | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
End Date | No | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
Start Time | No | 24 hour clock: hh:mm |
End Time | No | 24 hour clock: hh:mm |
Meeting Days | No | Any grouping of the following: SuMTWRFSa |
Location | No | Example would be "Harris Hall - Room 213-A". |
Additional meetings | No | Repeat the Begin Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time, Meeting Days, and Location fields until all meeting times are specified. Repeat until all date ranges have been imported. |
If multiple date ranges are needed for a section with different dates, times, days of the week and location. The import format below should be used. For example, if you have a course that meets every other week on the third Saturday during the term (or for different date ranges), this format is for you.
In the example above, the English course has a 2 week break from 3/1 to 3/15
Creates and assigns Tags to particular students in a particular Group. Tags can be used to identify types of students. For example, an Athletic department might have a Category of Football, but if they want to be even more precise, they could create a tag called “Linebackers”, and assign these players this tag. This would allow them to do things like e-mail all their Linebackers at the click of a button. Not required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"tag" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | The value will be "add" to add a tag to a user |
Tag | Yes | A tag to add to the user, i.e. "trio", "" |
Group ID | Yes | The unique identifier for a group. |
Primary User ID | "add", | The unique identifier for the user being tagged. |
This record set creates terms in GradesFirst. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"term" | Yes | Record type. |
Action | Yes | Currently only the "add" action is supported which adds or updates the term. |
External ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this term. |
Name | Yes | For example "Spring 2010" |
Begin Date | Yes | The date classes begin for the term in the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
End Date | Yes | The date classes end for the term in the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
Adds, modifies, or deletes users in GradesFirst. Does NOT assign the user to a Group or Term, which is performed in Grouping and Registration respectively. Simply importing students does not make them viewable. Required.
Columns | Required | Description |
"user" | Yes | Record type |
Action | Yes | This value will be "add" to add or update a user |
Primary User ID | Yes | A unique identifier for this user. |
Is Active? | Yes | "Y" for active and "N" for inactive. |
Can Login? | Yes | If marked “Y”, imported users will be able to access GradesFirst once they have activated their GradesFirst account (see Send Activation Email below for more details). If “N”, then specified users will not have the ability to access GradesFirst. |
Send Activation Email | Yes | “Y” to send or “N” to not send activation email. In order for users to gain access to GradesFirst, they will first need to activate their account. This is done when the user clicks the “Activate my GradesFirst account” link in their activation email. If this option is marked “Y”, users will automatically receive an activation email when they are imported into GradesFirst. Once a user has been activated, they will not receive a second activation email even if this option is set to “Y”. Most schools default this option to “N” to prevent these activation emails from being sent out until they are ready for users to begin logging into GradesFirst. When ready, these activation emails can be sent out via the GradesFirst user interface. |
First Name | Yes | |
Last Name | Yes | |
Alternate User ID | No | A secondary identifier for the user that must also be unique among all other Secondary and Unique Ids. |
Role ID | Yes | The initial GradesFirst role for the user. |
No | While emails are not required, not providing them will greatly limit the functionality in GradesFirst (e.g. Progress Reports/Early Alerts, Communications). Therefore we strongly urge you to include all emails in your import file. | |
Alternate Email | No | |
Address 1 | No | |
Address 2 | No | |
City | No | |
State | No | |
Postal Code | No | |
Home Phone | No | Format should be: 555-123-9876 Note: If your school is located outside the US, please do not import phone numbers that include your country code. |
Cell Phone | No | Format should be: 555-123-9876 Note: If your school is located outside the US, please do not import phone numbers that include your country code. |
Work Phone | No | Format should be: 555-123-9876 |
Gender | No | Valid values include “M”, “MALE”, “F”, “FEMALE”, “O”, “OTHER” |
Ethnicity | No | |
Date Of Birth | No | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
Total Credit Hours | No | |
Credit Hours Attempted | No | |
Major ID | No | The unique identifier for the major for this student. |
Student Enrollment Status | No | Custom text that described a student’s enrollment status |
Student Enrollment Goal | No | Custom text that described a student’s enrollment goal |
PIN | No | A number used as a digital signature mechanism for staff members who take attendance. |
SSO ID | No | A unique user identifier that can be used with Single Sign-On. |
ACT Total | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT English | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT Reading | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT Math | No | This should be a numeric value |
ACT Science | No | This should be a numeric value |
SAT Total | No | This should be a numeric value |
SAT Verbal | No | This should be a numeric value |
SAT Math | No | This should be a numeric value |
High School GPA | No | Valid values include: 3.12, 0.1234 |
1st Generation College Student? | No | Supported values: “Y” or “N” |
Father Education | No | Supported values: "None", "High School Diploma", "2 Year College Degree", "4 Year College Degree", "Graduate Degree" |
Mother Education | No | Supported values: "None", "High School Diploma", "2 Year College Degree", "4 Year College Degree", "Graduate Degree" |
High School Zip Code | No | This should be a numeric value |
Household Income | No | This should ONLY be a numeric value, excluding commas and symbols (e.g. “$”). Valid examples are: 100000, 85000, 63500 |
Single Parent Family? | No | Supported values: “Y” or “N” |
Transfer GPA | No | Valid values include: 3.12, 2.1234 |
Home College | No | This field is user-definable and may contain any text as long as it is less than 255 characters. |
Receive Text Messages | No | Support values: "Y" or "N" |
Represents a visit or check-in to the system for the specified user, location, service, and course. (Data will populate in the History Log on the Reports page)
Columns | Required | Data Type | Max Length | Foreign Key | Description |
"visit" | Yes | varchar | Record type. | ||
Action | Yes | varchar | The value will be "add" to add a visit | ||
Location Name | Yes | varchar | 255 | location:name | The name of the location where the student checked in. (Must appear exactly as it appears in the platform) |
Primary User ID | Yes | varchar | 255 | user:primary_user_id | The unique identifier for the user associated with the visit. |
Student Service Name | Yes | varchar | 255 | The name of the student service associated with the visit. (Must appear exactly as it appears in the platform) | |
Group ID | Yes | varchar | 255 | group:external_id | The unique identifier for a group. |
Check-in DateTime | Yes | datetime | 16 | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. (Military time) | |
Check-out DateTime | Yes | datetime | 16 | Value must be in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. (Military time) | |
Course Name | No | varchar | 255 | course:name | The name of the course associated with the visit. (Must appear exactly as it appears in the platform) |
GradesFirst Import Version=5 #Object, Action, Location_Name, Primary_User_ID, Student_Service_Name, Group_ID, Check_In_DateTime, Check_Out_DateTime, Course_Name "visit","add","Student Center","012345","Career Counseling","GradesFirst University","01/23/1984 12:30","01/23/1984 13:30","Mathematics"
Imports Dashboard
The Imports Dashboard allows you to view all your current imports and a 7-day history of your imports. It displays imports that are currently running, imports that are waiting on the server queue, recent imports that were successful, and recent imports that had errors.
To open the imports dashboard:
- Log into GradesFirst
- Click on the Admin Tab
- Click the “Data Import” link in the Import/Data API section
Frequently Asked Questions
Who owns the data that a school uploads and inputs into the GradesFirst system?
Clients own their data contained within GradesFirst. This is clearly stated in the service agreement as well.
When classes are dropped from a student’s schedule, either through the data upload or GradesFirst interface, does GradesFirst mark classes as dropped or delete them from the student’s schedule entirely?
GradesFirst will mark the class as dropped so the user can tell which classes have been dropped during the term.
If a student that is currently in the GradesFirst system and is not included in a subsequent file upload, will the student’s record be affected in any way?
No. If a student is not included in the data import file, their record in GradesFirst will not be affected. Removing a student from GradesFirst requires action from a user.