Importing User Profile Pictures

Importing User Profile Pictures

Administrators can import user profile pictures into GradesFirst via SFTP or our picture import API.

How It Works

GradesFirst looks for a user with a Primary ID that matches the imported image file name and applies the image to the user's profile. The uploaded picture will overwrite any existing profile picture for that user.

Example: A picture uploaded with a name of 1234.jpg will be applied to the user with a Primary ID of 1234.

If you would like your pictures to be associated with users based on their Alternate ID or Login, please contact GradesFirst support for assistance.

Supported File Extensions

GradesFirst supports uploading JPEG images with either a .jpg or .jpeg file extension.

Upload Options

You can import individual image files or zip files containing images. The maximum size for an individual image file or a zip file containing multiple images is 100 MB. If you upload your pictures in zip files, please create multiple zip files so that each zip file is under the 100 MB file size limit. Otherwise, your photos will not be processed.

Upload User Profile Pictures using SFTP

You can upload user profile pictures by sending the image file or zip file to your GradesFirst SFTP site the same way you would any other import file. For more information on setting up SFTP, please contact your Client Success Manager.

Upload User Profile Pictures using the Picture Import API

1. Make sure you have the Data Imports and API Access permissions.

  • In the Quick Search in the top notification bar, search for yourself by your email address. Click your name to view your profile.
  • Click Edit User Settings.
  • Under the Administration heading, make sure the Data Imports and API Access checkboxes are checked.
  • Click the Save Changes to User button.

2. Retrieve your API Key

  • Click on your name in the notification bar at top left. Then click Admin Settings.
  • Click View My User's API Key.
  • Take note of the User Name and API key listed on this page.

3. Send the file to GradesFirst's Picture Import API via HTTP POST.

Here's an example using cURL. Go to the command line and issue a command like:

curl -u <login>:<api-key> -F "data=@/path/to/file.jpg" https://<school>.gradesfirst.com/api/users/pictures

Be sure to replace the tokens above with your information.

  • <login>: your user name
  • <api-key>: your API key
  • <school>: your school's GradesFirst subdomain. 


curl -u denton:hid2g5jhgfuyrkjh754654hh -F "data=@1234.jpg" https://denton.gradesfirst.com/api/users/pictures

This same method can be used to import .zip files as well.

Email Notifications

After your upload has completed, email notifications will be sent to notify you of a successful upload or any errors that occurred in your upload, such as a file that could not be matched to a user.


  • If a file is larger than 100 MB, it will not be processed. Please send individual picture files or batch your pictures into multiple zip files if you have very large uploads.
  • Verify your image files are JPEGs prior to uploading.
  • Verify you have the most recent and current student id images prior to importing. Imported photos will overwrite existing profile photos.
  • Photos must be at least 314px wide and will be cropped to 314px x 314px.
  • Minimum recommended resolution: 72 dpi.


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