Tutoring Report
Tutoring Report
A tutor can file a Tutoring Report for any of their assigned students to document a drop-in (unscheduled) tutoring session. Select the relevant student(s) and click the Actions arrow, then click the Tutoring Report button to file a tutor report.
Note: To file a tutoring report after an appointment, tutors should not use this option, but should select the appointment from the Recent Tutoring grid.
- Reason: Indicates the student service associated with the appointment.
- Course: Tutors can associate the appointment with a student’s specific course.
- Date of Visit: The date the appointment occurred.
- Location: The location (or building) where the appointment occurred.
- Arrived/Departed: The times when the tutor and student(s) arrived at and departed from the session.
- Report Details: These fields are completely optional and can be filled out at the discretion of the tutor.
- Summary: This is your “catch-all” field. If none of the above questions/fields were applicable to the appointment, use this field to summarize the appointment. The Summary field is probably the most important field on the report as it is prominently displayed both on reports and appointment grids within the application.
- Suggested Time/Date (of next appointment): These fields are used for informational purposes only. No appointment will be created as a result of filling them out.