Faculty Guide to Enrollment Census Campaigns
The GradesFirst Enrollment Census allows support staff to request your feedback about which students attended class and date of their last attendance. This information can be very helpful as Administrators seek to compile and quantify campus attendance at the end of a semester or school year.
Email Notification
When an Enrollment Census Campaign is initiated, you will receive a request notification email like the example below. This email includes a direct link to the Student Feedback screen where you can enter your feedback.
Entering Student Feedback
Click on the link in the request notification email to view the Student Feedback screen.
- Active - Mark all students who are currently attending this class as Active.
- Last day - For students who did not attend after a given date, enter the last date they attended.
Never attended - For students who were enrolled in the course but never attended a class, select this option.
- Comments - Enter additional comments regarding the student.
- Mark remaining as active - Checking this checkbox will mark all unmarked students as Active.
Submitting Feedback
Once you are finished, click the Submit button. The system will display a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully completed your feedback.