Class Assignments

Class Assignments

Adding an Assignment

1. Click the Assignments link next to any of the classes listed on your home page.

2. On the Class Assignments screen, check the checkboxes next to the students for whom you'd like to create an assignment. Then click the Create New Assignment button.

3. On the Add a New Assignment dialog, enter the assignment details such as Title, Description, Due Date, Points Available and Weight.

Managing Assignments

Once you have saved the assignment, it will appear under your list of current assignments for the course.

To make updates and other changes to the assignment:

1. Click the Status link.

2. Use one of the assignment management options:
  • Update Student Assignment Status - This box is used for updating a student’s progress on their assignment.  This can be used to enter a Completion Date, Points Received and/or a Comment.  Place a checkmark beside the student(s) you wish to update, fill out the appropriate fields and click Update Status.
  • Update Assignment - This box is used to make changes to the parameters of the assignment, such as the assignment Due Date.  Please note these changes will affect ALL students who have been assigned the assignment.

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