Advising Appointments by Student

Advising Appointments by Student


Returns advising appointments for a student for a certain academic term.

Endpoint Specification

Path: api/terms/<term_external_id>/users/<student_id>/advising_appointments.json



Parameter Name



The External ID of a term in GradesFirst.

student_idThe Primary ID of a user in GradesFirst.


Template API Call using cURL

curl -u <YourApiUserName>:<YourApiKey> https://<yourschoolsubdomain>.gradesfirst.com/api/terms/<term_external_id>/users/<student_id>/advising_appointments.json

Example API Call using cURL

curl -u vendor@school.edu:ebd6b6470d35d12675fcbd308125b7 https://coastalcollege.gradesfirst.com/api/terms/201420/users/0987654/advising_appointments.json


This call outputs a JSON array. Each element in the array represents an appointment.

Attribute Name


appointment_id(integer) A unique identifier for this appointment.
primary_id_(attendee)(string) The Primary ID of the appointment attendee (the student).
primary_id_(organizer)(string) The Primary ID of the user who owns the appointment (the advisor). GradesFirst users with appropriate permissions can schedule appointments with a different user as the organizer, so organizer is not synonymous with “appointment creator”.
appointment_start_time(datetime) The start date and time of the appointment.
appointment_end_time(datetime) The end date and time of the appointment.
location(string) The name of the location where the appointment occurred.
is_report_filed(boolean) Yes if a report has been filed for the appointment; No otherwise.
is_no_show(boolean) Yes if the student is marked as a no-show for the appointment; No otherwise.
is_cancelled(boolean) Yes if the student is marked as cancelled for the appointment; No otherwise.
scheduled_student_service(s)A comma-delimited list of student services (reasons) associated with the appointment.
reported_student_service(s)A comma-delimited list of student services (reasons) associated with the appointment report.


Example Output






"appointment_start_time":"10/28/2014 04:30 PM"",

"appointment_end_time":"10/28/2014 05:30 PM"",

"location":" Student Academic Center W-240",

is_report_filed: "Yes",

is_no_show: "No",

is_cancelled: "No",

"scheduled_student_service(s)":"Academic/Registration Advising, Advising",

"reported_student_service(s)":"Academic/Registration Advising, Career Counseling",


Error Messages

Error Message


User External ID not found

GradesFirst could not find any user with the specified Primary ID