Advising Summary API

Advising Summary API


This API allows the export of advising reports.  This API only returns data for Advising Appointments. It does not include Tutoring Appointments.

Endpoint Specification

Path: api/advising_summary

Method: GET


Parameter Name


(optional) The maximum number of advising summaries to return per request (page). Default is 500, maximum is 5000.
page(optional) The number of the page to return. Default is 1.
user_id(optional) The Primary ID of the student.
anyDateFrom(optional) Will return summary reports whose create date or update date is on or after the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format).  This will capture all summary reports for which there has been any activity on or after the date specified.


(optional) Will return summary reports whose create date or update date is on or before the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format).  This will capture all summary reports for which there has been any activity on or before the date specified.


(optional) Will return summary reports created on or after the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format)


(optional) Will return summary reports created on or before the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format)


(optional) Will return summary reports updated on or after the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format)


(optional) Will return summary reports updated on or before the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format)

Template API Call using cURL

curl -g -u <YourAPIUSername>:<YourAPIKey> "https://<yourschoolsubdomain>.gradesfirst.com/api/advising_summary?anyDateFrom=01/01/2017&anyDateTo=01/08/2017&per_page=100&page=1"

Example API Call using cURL

curl -g -u apiuser:ebd6b6470d35d12675fcbd308125b7 "https://coastalcollege.gradesfirst.com/api/advising_summary?anyDateFrom=01/01/2017&anyDateTo=01/08/2017&per_page=100&page=1" 

Template API Call using HTTP Basic Authentication


Example API Call using HTTP Basic Authentication


Example Requests 

Some example urls for queries are as follows:

To fetch the first 100 summaries for a specific student


To fetch the first 100 summaries modified within a date range


To fetch the next 100 summaries



This call outputs a JSON array of the advising summary data, metadata about the query and links to related queries.


Attribute Name




"success" if the API call was successful.

Possible values:

  • success
  • success, no matches found
  • error

(String) A human-readable description of the results of the API call


Metadata about the query results. More information below.

linksURLs to assist with paging through large result sets. More information below.


Data for each record. More information below.

total(Integer) total number of records available
total_pages(Integer) total number of pages available
self(String) the URL for this page
first(String) the URL for the first page
last(String) the URL for the last page
next(String) the URL for the next page, if available
evaluation_id(Integer) The unique database id for the evaluation.
created_at(DateTime) The time the summary report was created. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM
updated_at(DateTime) The time the summary report was last updated. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM
advisorRepresents the advisor details. More information below.
studentRepresents the student details. More information below.
appointmentRepresents the appointment details. More information below.
meeting_type(String) Always "advising".
did_attend(Boolean) True if the student attended the appointment; false otherwise.
reason(String) The reason for the appointment.

(String) The comments entered for the advising report.

id(String) The primary id for the advisor
first_name(String) The advisor's first name.
last_name(String) The advisor's last name.
url(String) The URL of the advisor's user page.
id(String) The primary id for the student.
first_name(String) The student's first name.
last_name(String) The student's last name.
url(String) The URL of the student's profile page.
created_at(DateTime) The time the appointment was created. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM
start_at(DateTime) The time the appointment starts. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM
end_at(DateTime) The time the appointment ends. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM

Output Examples

Results of a successful call to the API


"meta": {
"total": 5000,
"total_pages": 10
"links": {
"self": "/api/advising_summary?page=1&per_page=500",
"first": "/api/advising_summary?page=1&per_page=500",
    "next": "/api/advising_summary?page=2&per_page=500",
    "last": "/api/advising_summary?page=10&per_page=500"
"data": [
"evaluation_id": 1,
"created_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
      "updated_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
      "advisor": {
"id": "0987654",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
        "url": "/users/4950302"
"student": {
"id": "012345",
"first_name": "Jim",
"last_name": "Smith",
        "url": "/students/5869483"
"appointment": {
"created_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
"start_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
"end_at": "12/22/2014 03:30 PM"
"meeting_type": "advising",
"did_attend": true,
"reason": "Walk-in appointment",
"summary": "example evaluation"

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