Advising Summary API
This API allows the export of advising reports. This API only returns data for Advising Appointments. It does not include Tutoring Appointments.
Endpoint Specification
Path: api/advising_summary
Method: GET
Parameter Name | Definition |
per_page | (optional) The maximum number of advising summaries to return per request (page). Default is 500, maximum is 5000. |
page | (optional) The number of the page to return. Default is 1. |
user_id | (optional) The Primary ID of the student. |
anyDateFrom | (optional) Will return summary reports whose create date or update date is on or after the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format). This will capture all summary reports for which there has been any activity on or after the date specified. |
anyDateTo | (optional) Will return summary reports whose create date or update date is on or before the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format). This will capture all summary reports for which there has been any activity on or before the date specified. |
createDateFrom | (optional) Will return summary reports created on or after the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format) |
createDateTo | (optional) Will return summary reports created on or before the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format) |
updateDateFrom | (optional) Will return summary reports updated on or after the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format) |
updateDateTo | (optional) Will return summary reports updated on or before the date specified, date inclusive (in MM/DD/YYYY format) |
Template API Call using cURL
curl -g -u <YourAPIUSername>:<YourAPIKey> "https://<yourschoolsubdomain>"
Example API Call using cURL
curl -g -u apiuser:ebd6b6470d35d12675fcbd308125b7 ""
Template API Call using HTTP Basic Authentication
Example API Call using HTTP Basic Authentication
Example Requests
Some example urls for queries are as follows:
To fetch the first 100 summaries for a specific student
To fetch the first 100 summaries modified within a date range
To fetch the next 100 summaries
This call outputs a JSON array of the advising summary data, metadata about the query and links to related queries.
Attribute Name | Definition |
status | (String) "success" if the API call was successful. Possible values:
message | (String) A human-readable description of the results of the API call |
meta | Metadata about the query results. More information below. |
links | URLs to assist with paging through large result sets. More information below. |
data | Data for each record. More information below. |
Meta | Definition |
total | (Integer) total number of records available |
total_pages | (Integer) total number of pages available |
Links | Definition |
self | (String) the URL for this page |
first | (String) the URL for the first page |
last | (String) the URL for the last page |
next | (String) the URL for the next page, if available |
Data | Definition |
evaluation_id | (Integer) The unique database id for the evaluation. |
created_at | (DateTime) The time the summary report was created. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM |
updated_at | (DateTime) The time the summary report was last updated. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM |
advisor | Represents the advisor details. More information below. |
student | Represents the student details. More information below. |
appointment | Represents the appointment details. More information below. |
meeting_type | (String) Always "advising". |
did_attend | (Boolean) True if the student attended the appointment; false otherwise. |
reason | (String) The reason for the appointment. |
summary | (String) The comments entered for the advising report. |
Advisor | Definition |
id | (String) The primary id for the advisor |
first_name | (String) The advisor's first name. |
last_name | (String) The advisor's last name. |
url | (String) The URL of the advisor's user page. |
Student | Definition |
id | (String) The primary id for the student. |
first_name | (String) The student's first name. |
last_name | (String) The student's last name. |
url | (String) The URL of the student's profile page. |
Appointment | Definition |
created_at | (DateTime) The time the appointment was created. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM |
start_at | (DateTime) The time the appointment starts. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM |
end_at | (DateTime) The time the appointment ends. Example: 12/22/2014 03:06 PM |
Output Examples
Results of a successful call to the API
"meta": {
"total": 5000,
"total_pages": 10
"links": {
"self": "/api/advising_summary?page=1&per_page=500",
"first": "/api/advising_summary?page=1&per_page=500",
"next": "/api/advising_summary?page=2&per_page=500",
"last": "/api/advising_summary?page=10&per_page=500"
"data": [
"evaluation_id": 1,
"created_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
"updated_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
"advisor": {
"id": "0987654",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"url": "/users/4950302"
"student": {
"id": "012345",
"first_name": "Jim",
"last_name": "Smith",
"url": "/students/5869483"
"appointment": {
"created_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
"start_at": "12/22/2014 03:06 PM",
"end_at": "12/22/2014 03:30 PM"
"meeting_type": "advising",
"did_attend": true,
"reason": "Walk-in appointment",
"summary": "example evaluation"