Group Settings

Group Settings

Group Information

This section contains the name that appears next to your institution’s logo in the upper right-hand corner of GradesFirst as well as the Group ID.

The Group ID refers to the name or code used in your data import files to specify the group that data should be imported into.  For more information regarding the use of the Group ID field, please refer to your student import guide.

Evaluation Settings

These settings refer to the filling of both advisor and tutor reports.  

Allow Students view their progress reports: This setting, if checked, allows students to view all progress reports that have been filed on them.

Allow Students view their tutor reports: Allows students to view all tutor reports that have been filed on them.

Allow students to view their advisor reports: Allows student to view all advisor reports that have been filed on them.

Require advisors and tutors to verify validity of submitted evaluations: When checked, both advisors and tutors will have to check the “I have not violated any rules….” box when filing an advisor or tutor report.

Evaluation Report Details: Both the advising and tutor reports will each have a check box.  These boxes control whether each report will provide the advisor or tutor access to the evaluation details section of the report.  See below for a screenshot of an advising report with and without the evaluation details section checked (the tutor reports are exactly identical to the advising reports). 

Showing Evaluation Details

Not Showing Evaluation Details

Case Settings

Cases are akin to “student case files” that are opened when a new alert is issued, or when a student is marked at risk on a progress report.  Only users with permissions (e.g. Advisors) will have access to the Cases tab which provides them the abilities to assign, comment and close cases. 

Cases Enabled: When checked, the Cases module will be enabled and those users with Case Permission will be have access to the Cases tab.

When a Case is assigned, send an email: Refers to when a case is assigned to an advisor, GradesFirst will automatically send them an email.  See below for a copy of the email they will receive.

When a user is marked as owner of a case, send an email: Refers to when a user has been assigned as the owner of a specific case, GradesFirst will automatically send them an email.  See below for a copy of the email they will receive.

Send an email to the alert issuer when a case is close: When checked, GradesFirst will automatically send an email to the person who originally issued the student alert when the case is marked closed.  The Email Text box lets the GradesFirst Administrator create the personal email the alert issuer will receive.

Appointment Settings

This section lets the GradesFirst Administrator customize the default appointment duration settings for advising, tutor and general appointments.  These settings are appointment defaults and will only be used if the advisor (or tutor) and/or the locations themselves have not defined an appointment duration of their own.

Default Duration Advising Appointments: This appointment time will only be used if the advisor and/or the location has not defined an appointment duration of their own via the Appointment Constraints.  We will cover how to setup the location default location setup later in this guide.


Enable Service Based Advising: When this box is checked, student will see a “Get Advising” button on the Home page that enables them to create an advising appointment, with one of their advisors, based on their needs.


Default Duration Tutoring Appointments: This appointment time will only be used if the tutor and/or the location has not defined an appointment duration of their own via the Appointment Constraints.  We will cover how to setup the location default location setup later in this guide.


Default Duration General Appointments: This is the default duration for general appointments.  This time can be overridden at the time the appointment is being created.


Show Available Slots if No Availabilities: The appointment scheduling grid will default to showing all open slots for an advisor or tutor if they have not defined their appointment availabilities.  It is a good idea to keep this checked especially if your advisors or tutors might be a little slow in creating their appointment availabilities. 

Appointment Emails

This section controls when appointments emails are created and to whom they are sent.

Send Email to Advisors when their Assigned Students Schedule an Appointment: When the appointment is scheduled, the student’s advisors will be emailed the details of the appointment.


Send Email to Coaches when a student schedules an appointment: When the appointment is scheduled, the student’s coaches will be emailed the details of the appointment.


Send Appointment/Event reminders by default: This controls whether appointment/event email reminder will be set by default.  When the appointment is created, if this box is checked, the send appointment/event email reminders will be checked by default.  However, as with most of our appointment defaults, this option can be overridden before the appointment is saved.


Include all attendee phone numbers in appointment emails: This setting will include attendees Home and Cell phone numbers (if in GradesFirst) in the appointment creation email.


Appointment Cancellation Emails

By default, all attendees will be emailed (notified) when an appointment is cancelled.  However this setting controls which other users will be notified.  For instance, if a student’s advisor wants to be notified whenever a student’s tutor appointments are cancelled.

Since these options are fairly self-explanatory, we will not go into detail about each one.

Appointment No-Show Emails

GradesFirst gives advisor/tutors the ability to mark students as a no-show for their appointments.  And when marked, GradesFirst gives the user great flexibility in determining who should be notified when done.

Send email to Appointment Organizer: This option sends an email to the advisor or tutor of the appointment when a student is marked as a no-show for an appointment.


Send email to Advisor of student: This option sends an email to the student’s advisor when they are marked as a no-show for an appointment.


Send email to Coaches of student: This option sends an email to the student’s coach when they are marked as a no-show for an appointment.


Send email to Tutor Coordinator: This option sends an email to the Tutor Coordinator when a student is marked as a no-show for an appointment.  This option is best utilized when the Tutor Coordinator wants to make aware every time a student fails to show up for their appointment.


Send an email to the Student: Lastly, GradesFirst will send an email to the actual student when they are marked as a no-show for an appointment.  This is useful because it lets the student know their attendance is being tracked for their appointments.

At-Risk Emails

This section will control which users are notified (emailed) when a student is marked as at-risk.  

Send Email to Advisors: Checking this option will automatically send an email to a student’s advisor(s) when they are marked as at-risk.  Below is a sample of that at-risk email.

Send Email to Coaches: This option will automatically send an email to a student’s coach(s) when they are marked as at-risk.  This is identical to the email the advisor receives (as shown above).


Send Email to Student: Likewise, this option will automatically send an email to the student when they are marked as at-risk.


Message to Student: This option is only available when Send Email to Student is checked.  The message defined here will make up the body (or content) of the email the at-risk student will receive.  So rather than the student receiving the same email the advisor (or coach) would receive, GradesFirst lets the GFA customize a message for the student.  Below is an example of what an at-risk email would look like when sent to a student.

Absence Emails

These settings refer to actual classroom attendance.  If your institution does not use GradesFirst for classroom attendance, then you may disregard this section.

These options will send an email to either the advisor, or the student, whenever the student is marked absent from one of their courses.  

Text Message Settings

These settings control the parameters for which text message appointment reminders are sent (or not).  

Text Reminder Alert “xx” Minutes: This refers to how many minutes, before the start of the appointment, the text message reminder will be sent to all attendees.

Send text message reminders by default: When checked, “Send a text message reminder” will be turned on (or checked) for each newly created appointment.  However, this option can be overridden, or turned off, by the user before the appointment is saved.

Always send text message reminders: This option will automatically send a text message reminder for every newly created appointment.  Unlike the above option, when this is checked, it cannot be overridden by the user before the appointment is saved. 

Never send text message reminders: This option will never send a text message reminder for newly created appointments.  Like the Always send option, this cannot be overridden by the user before the appointment is saved.

Tutor Settings

These settings are only applied to tutor appointments.

Tutor Coordinator Email Address: While not mandatory, it is a good idea to have at least one user responsible for the tutor aspect of GradesFirst.  This person will be responsible for filling tutor requests, monitoring student appointment attendance (e.g. no-shows) among other things.  If no tutor coordinator is defined, tutor requests will be sent to each student’s advisor.

Email Student’s Advisor on Tutor Request: When checked, the student’s advisor will receive an email whenever the student submits a tutor request.

Default Tutor Appointment Location: This will be the default location used whenever someone attempts to create a tutor appointment.  This can be overridden by the user prior to saving the appointment.

Show Max Hours Information for Tutors: This option will display how many hours remaining, for each tutor, when scheduling a tutor appointment.  See screenshot below.

During the scheduling process, GradesFirst will display how many hours remaining for this week, next week (+1 WK) and the following week (+2 WK).  As appointments are created, those hours remaining will decrease accordingly.  For instance, this week Toby has 40 hours available.  When an hour long tutor appointment is created for Toby, for this week, his Hours Remaining will then show 39.  For the scheduler, this is important information as it will help prevent the over-booking of tutors.

Note: The Hours Remaining setting is defined on each Tutor’s Tutor Settings tab in a field called Tutor’s Preferred Hours.  See the Tutors Guide for more details.

Advisor Settings

Like the Tutor Settings above, this field only applies to the advising aspect of GradesFirst.

The email address defined as the advising coordinator will be the recipient of all advising requests, unless overridden by the specified location’s advising coordinator’s email address.  Locations will be covered in greater details later in this guide.

Tutor Appointment Settings

This setting controls whether, or not, the Tutor’s name will be displayed when a student is creating a tutor appointment.  

 Institutions can use this option to prevent any one specific tutor, who may be popular amongst students, from becoming too inundated with tutoring appointments. 

Example of Show tutor names CHECKED

Example of Show tutor named UNCHECKED

Student Profiles

This single option controls whether, or not, a student’s profile page will display their picture.  


Below is an example of a student’s profile with their picture displayed.

If this option is checked, but the student’s picture does not appear on their profile, then more than likely student pictures have not been imported into GradesFirst.  Click here for information on importing user profile photos.

Campaign Settings

Both Appointment and Progress Report Campaigns have a user-definable expiration date that is set when the campaign is created.  This date is used by GradesFirst to determine when to no longer accept feedback (or actions) for that particular campaign.  A custom email message can be created for any user attempting to give feedback for an expired campaign.

The text in the Appointment Campaign section will be sent to those users attempting to access an expired appointment campaign link.  Likewise, the text in the Progress Report Campaign section will be sent to those users attempting to access an expired progress report campaign link.

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