Release Notes: September 23, 2016

Release Notes: September 23, 2016

If you have additional questions or would like further information, please contact your Dedicated Success Manager.

Release 16.16

IssueFix/Change Explanation
No-show students are showing at bottom of recent tutoring grid


  1. Create a Tutoring Report and mark the student as a no show.
  2. When you look at the Recent Tutoring grid, the Tutoring Report you just filed should be at the top of the grid. 
When adding mass summary report (tutoring and advising) students default to No Show AND send students no show email (if setting is checked)


  1. Search for a student.
  2. File an Advising or Tutoring Report on the student.
  3. Save the report.
  4. When you check the student you filed the report for, the student should be listed as attending, not a No Show.
The word 'Reason' is spelled incorrectly in the Advising Appointment emails


  1. For emails, there is a styled and unstyled version
  2. In the unstyled versions of the Advising Request emails, Reason was misspelled as "Reaaon".
  3. Create an advising request and view the non-HTML view, it should now say "Reason".
Re-index users after we remove their last role


  1. Go to a user profile page, and edit the user.
  2. Remove all roles for that particular user.
  3. Make a quick search for the user just edited.
  4. The user should show (No role).

  5. Go to a user profile page, and edit the user.
  6. Add one or more roles for that particular user.
  7. Make a quick search for the user just edited.
  8. The user should show the correct role for the user.
Change account locked email message


  1. Attempt logging into a site until you receive the "locked account" screen.
  2. You should receive an email with the following language below:

"Your EAB account has been locked due to an invalid sign-in attempt. You may try to log in again after 30 minutes. At that time, if you need assistance logging in, a support email address is provided on the log in screen.

Thank you,

EAB Member Support Team"

When adding members to staff teams an exception is displayed 


  1. Go to the Admin page.
  2. Open up the Staff Teams page.
  3. Open up a Team by clicking on the name.
  4. Add some people to the team.
  5. There should be a message about people getting added like expected.
Page Freezes and Unable to 'Add New Rule'


  1. Open the User Role settings page and edit the Student User Role.
  2. Under Student Appointment Permissions, find Weekly Tutoring Appointments Limits by Course at the bottom.
  3. When clicking "Add a New Rule", the browser shouldn't freeze and you should be able to add as many rules as needed.
"See Only Assigned Advisor" Permission Does Not Apply to Kiosk Drop-Ins


  1. Have at least one student service with the "Only Allow Student to meet with Assigned Advisors" option checked (restricted).
  2. Have another student service with the setting above unchecked (unrestricted).
  3. Make sure that a location has both of these student services attached to it.
  4. Have some advisors available at this location with an availability for the student service with the restriction and other advisors available for the other student service that is unrestricted.
  5. Assign some of the advisors that you created availability for in Step 4 to a student. Don't assign all advisors to the student though.
  6. Open the Advising Kiosk and log in as the specific student you used in Step 5.
  7. Choose the Location that you used in your setup in Step 3.
  8. Choose the student service that has the restriction ("Only Allow Student to meet with Assigned Advisors" option is checked).
  9. After clicking "Add yourself to the current waiting list", the next page should only show the assigned advisors of the student who have availabilities on the student service selected previously.
  10. Choose the student service that does not have the restriction.
  11. After clicking "Add yourself to the current waiting list", the next page should show all the advisors (not only those assigned to the student) who have availabilities on the student service selected previously.
Assigned Tutor Notification Showing up in Locations 


  1. Go to Locations on Admin Page.
  2. Edit a Location that has advising student services linked to it (with availabilities).
  3. Instead of getting the "# Assigned Tutors" text you should now see "# Assigned Advisors" text.
  4. Edit a Location that has tutoring student services linked to it (with availabilities).
  5. You should still be able to see the "# Assigned Tutors" text.

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