Release Notes: Feb 22, 2014

Release Notes: Feb 22, 2014

This release is currently available for preview on the training site. It will be released to production on February 22.

Release Summary

Thanks for checking in to see what's new in this release of GradesFirst. As part of this release, we are excited to present our new Tutor Kiosk. Read on for more details.

New: Tutor Kiosk

Students can now easily record a visit to a tutoring location, check in and out of a location to track their time, check in for a scheduled tutoring appointment, or drop-in with an available tutor. Below, you'll find details about how to set up and run Tutor Kiosk to meet different needs. To discuss how your school can get the most value out of this new feature, please contact your Client Success Manager or email us at support@gradesfirst.com.

Tutor Kiosk Permissions

Please be sure the users who will need to start up Tutor Kiosk have the appropriate permission. By default, any User or Role with permissions to run Tutor Center will be given permission to start Tutor Kiosk. To turn this permission on for a user or role:

  1. Edit the User or Role.
  2. Select the "Study Hall, Kiosk, & Advising/Tutor Center" section.
  3. Be sure the "Start Tutor Kiosk Mode" checkbox is checked.
  4. Save the User or Role.  



Tutor Kiosk Startup

To start Tutor Kiosk, click the "Tutor Kiosk" link in the bottom right corner of the screen.


Select a location.


Now, you can choose to start up the kiosk for All Available Services or for a particular Student Service.


These Student Services and Locations can be configured on the Admin tab under Locations and Student Services.

Once you've selected an option, the Tutor Kiosk is ready for students to interact with it.


Record a Visit

Using Tutor Kiosk for recording student visits allows you to track student visits quickly and easily as students swipe in. You can also choose to ask the student to select one of their courses which is most related to their visit.

Set up the kiosk by selecting a "Record a Visit" Student Service and then choosing to"Ask Students to Select a Course at Check In".


Now, when students swipe in, they will be asked to pick a course which is most relevant to their visit.



Track Time

When a student checks in and out using a Track Time student service, GradesFirst tracks the visit and duration for reporting purposes.


Study Hall

When a student checks in and out using a Study Hall student service, GradesFirst keeps track of how long the student is checked in and includes that time in required study hall hours calculations.


Check In for a Tutoring Appointment

When a student with a scheduled tutor appointment logs into Tutor Kiosk, they can easily check in for their appointment.


Drop In with a Tutor

When a student logs into Tutor Kiosk for a Tutoring Student Service, they can then choose from a list of tutor available for drop-ins. Tutor Drop-In Availabilities can be configured by the Tutor or an administration on the Tutor Settings tab on the tutor's profile.



To discuss how your school can get the most value out of this new feature or if you have any questions please contact your Client Success Manager or email us at support@gradesfirst.com.

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