Release Notes: December 22, 2016

Release Notes: December 22, 2016

If you have additional questions or would like further information, please contact your dedicated Success Manager.

Release 16.23

Fix: Tags - Recycling tags causes all formerly tagged students to be re-added in the advanced search.

To Verify:

  1. Given Search service is disabled and an existing tag named Reuse123 with test student 1 tagged
  2. When You delete the Reuse123 tag from the Tags admin screen
  3. And You add the Reuse123 to test student 2 via the Mass Edit of Students screen
  4. And You search for students tagged with Reuse123
  5. Then you should only see test student 2 in the search results.
Fix: Enrollment file not adding sections to student profiles

To Verify:

  1. Do the standard set of import tests that include enrollment records.
  2. Test this scenario:
    • Import a file with enrollments for a student.
    • Verify that the enrollments were added.
    • Import a file with only a drop all for term records that drops the enrollments from the first file.
    • Verify that the enrollments were dropped.
    • Import the first file again.
    • Verify that the enrollments were added back.
Fix: Tutor cannot change date for past appointment using "Report Details" within Recent Tutoring

To Verify:

  1. Given An advisor with Recent Advising Appointments
  2. And Generates an Advising Report for a Recent Advising Appointments
  3. *When* the advisor goes and modifies the time or date in the report
  4. *Then* the Date column on the Recent Advising Appointment grid must get updated too.
Fix: User receiving error when trying to mass email students

To Verify:

  1. Given Search Service is enable and SSC Campus is enabled for a School
  2. When Making a search that returns more than 101 users
  3. And Selecting all users 
  4. And selecting to sent a message under the action menu
  5. Then the popup should say the correct number of users in the title
  6. And it should show a link to show all the user names
Fix: Lost ability to sort advanced search results

To Verify:

  1. Go to search
  2. Do a search that return results
  3. In the results's grid, one should be able to Sort by the columns Name, Category and Classification