Release Notes: October 31, 2016

Release Notes: October 31, 2016

If you have additional questions or would like further information, please contact your Dedicated Success Manager.

Release 16.19.0

IssueFix/Change Explanation
Change: Default to student profile view (home) if student has multiple roles
  1. Enable the "Deprioritize Student Profile for Users" found under our view of School Settings, not the School Settings view within the Member site.
    1. Note: this will not be enabled by default. You must enable this for a member if they wish to use it.
  2. Find a user who is a student and has at least one other role attached to them.
  3. When you click on that user, it should not default to the student role.
Fix: Minimizing message window clears data

To Verify:

  1. Start writing a message in the Send a Message dialog.
  2. Minimize it.
  3. Restore that dialog.
  4. Your partial message should be there.
Change: Group Enclave

NOTE: This change impacts the next three changes

To Use:

  1. Use a school that has 2 or more groups.
  2. Select Group #1.
    1. Go to the Group Settings page and a new "Restrict Group Data Visibility" option should now appear under Group Display Settings.
    2. You could set this option to "on", save, go back and set the option to "off" and verify that the checkbox is consistent with what you have set for this option after saving.
  3. Select Group #2.
    1. Follow the same steps as above in order to play with the new setting and verify that it stays on or off depending on what you selected and saved.
Change: Group separation of class attendance list

To Verify:

  1. Enable the Restrict Group Data Visibilitysetting (found under Group Settings).
  2. When the setting is enabled, the system will only show students in the attendance view who are in the current group.
    1. Choose a class to record attendance for.
    2. Make note of a student that is in Group #1, but not Group #2.
    3. Make sure that the Restrict Group Data Visibility is enabled for Group #2.
    4. Go to record class attendance in Group #2.
    5. Verify that the student from Group #1 is not showing on the record attendance when viewing it in Group #2.

Change: Make assignments group specific

To Verify:

  1. Enable the Restrict Group Data Visibilitysetting (found under Group Settings).
  2. When the setting is enabled, the system will only show assignments for students in the current group, thus giving the ability to apply assignments to students only within that group.
    1. Choose a class to create assignments for.
    2. Make note of a student that is in Group #1, but not Group #2.
    3. Make sure that the Restrict Group Data Visibility is enabled for Group #2.
    4. Go to create an assignment for your chosen class in Group #2.
    5. Verify that the student from Group #1 is not showing on the create assignment page when viewing it in Group #2.
Change: Option to make progress reports group specific

To Verify:

  1. You will need the following before testing:
    1. A school that has 2 or more groups.
    2. An advisor user who can access all groups in the school.
    3. A professor user who can create progress reports for students.
    4. School Group #1 has to have the new "Restrict Group Data Visibility" option (found under Group Settings) set to "off".
    5. School Group #2 has to have the new "Restrict Group Data Visibility" option (found under Group Settings) set to "on".
  2. As the advisor user, select Group #1.
    1. Go to the professor profile as in the requirements above.
    2. Click on "Classes this Term" tab.
    3. Choose one class and click on "Progress Reports" link.
    4. In the next page, select one or more students and create a new Progress Report.
  3. As the advisor user, select Group #2.
    1. Follow the same steps above in order to create a new Progress Report choosing the same students as above.
  4. Select Group #1 and go to a student profile who was added in the progress reports created above.
    1. Click on "Reports/Notes" tab.
    2. The progress report created for Group #2 should not be listed under "Progress Reports" section since this group has the new setting "on".
    3. The progress report created for Group #1 and other "non-restricted" groups should be listed under "Progress Reports".
  5. Select Group #2 and go to a student profile who was added in the progress reports created above.
    1. Click on "Reports/Notes" tab
    2. The progress report created for Group #2 should be listed under "Progress Reports" section since that's the current group.
    3. The progress report created for Group #1 and other "non-restricted" groups should be listed under "Progress Reports" as well.
  6. As the advisor go to the reports page and test all reports under "Progress Reports".
  7. Remember to switch between Groups #1 and #2 and verify that Group #2 reports should not be listed when you are currently on Group #1.
  8. When you are currently on Group #2, you should be able to see this group's reports and all those reports that belong to a "non-restricted" groups as well.


Note: This impacts the following reports:

  • Progress Reports listings section on "Reports/Notes" tab student profile
  • Progress Reports section on Reports page
    • Student Progress Reports
    • Detailed Student Progress Reports
    • Students Flagged At-Risk
    • Detailed Students Flagged At-Risk
    • At-Risk Progress Reports And Tutor Appointment
    • At-Risk Progress Reports And Advisor Appointment
    • Progress Report Requests