Release Notes: December 5, 2016

Release Notes: December 5, 2016

If you have additional questions or would like further information, please contact your Dedicated Success Manager.

Release 16.21.0

IssueFix/Change Explanation
Fix: Appointment notifications coming from advisors instead of students

To Verify:

Given a just_student User 
And an advisor with available time
When the Student creates an advising appointment 
Then the Advisor should see a notification/email coming from this specific student, not himself

Given a just_student User 
And a tutor assigned to this student with available time
When the Student creates a tutor appointment request
Then the Tutor should see a notification/email coming from this specific student, not himself

Given two just_student Users 
And an advisor with available time
And the first student creates a Group appointment 
When the second student sigh in for the same Group appointment
Then the second student should see a notification/email coming from the advisor, not the first student

Fix: 'Redirect' Error occurring in Chrome, Firefox, IE

To Verify:

  1. Given a user with the administrator role.
  2. And navigating to a user with "no role"
  3. Then admin will be redirected to the student show page
Fix: Professors not able to see their students if the professor is not in a group

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