Release Notes: October 21, 2016

Release Notes: October 21, 2016

If you have additional questions or would like further information, please contact your Dedicated Success Manager.

Release 16.18.0

IssueFix/Change and Explanation
Change: Make Access to Advising Request tab a role permission

To Verify:

  1. Go to the Edit User Role screen
  2. There should now be a permission for Advising Requests under the non-student appointment & availability section.
  3. Turning on this permission for an advisor role will allow that role to see an Advising Requests tab on their homepage.
Change: Add Student ID, Major, and School to Alerts ReportsAlerts Report now contains Major and Student ID.
Fix: Caching minimized advising summary reportsMinimized summary reports no longer remain in the dialog box when closed.
Fix: Error when attempting to Record Class Attendance

To Verify:

  1. Create a travel letter absence for a student.
  2. Remember the student and the course that you created the absence for.
  3. Go to the class attendance page and try to save attendance on that page.
  4. The should allow you to save the class attendance.

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