Release Notes: March 24, 2017

Release Notes: March 24, 2017

Note: Date listed is anticipated release date.

If you have additional questions or would like further information, please contact your dedicated Success Manager.

Release 17.4


FixStudents Active for Term Report: Student Credit Hours inaccurate -  Student no longer enrolled in courses still shows credit hours - Inaccuracies in Credits fieldDone
FixStudent Study Hall Statistics Showing Inaccurate ResultsDone
FixAdvisors unable to access conversations tabDone
FixAppointment Center search should include inactive studentsDone
FixAdvisor Unable to Edit Campaign DetailsDone
FixUnable to Edit Group appointment when summary reports have not been added for all studentsDone
FixUnable to Assign Study Hall using Mass Edit of StudentsDone
FixStudent whose campaign appointment is cancelled does not show up in the campaign list for either "appointments made" or "appointments not yet made"Done
FixRequests sent via Appointment API return different start/end timesDone
FixSend a message functionality is not correctly populating emails when sending mass messages to studentsDone
FixStudents with/without advising report pulling incorrect dataDone
Fixstudent checked in to appt center via record visit not showing up in tutor queuesDone
FixUpcoming meeting times displaying incorrectly for tutor via link in Appointment Update messageDone
FixAdding a tutor report from Tutor Info Homepage pulls up Advising summary reportDone
FixStudents recently checked out of study hall report displaying incorrect timesDone
FixAfter cancelling appt - no option to schedule within campaignDone
FixUnable to Export campaign from campaign page for Enrollment Census CampaignDone
FixTutor activity is duplicated on recent tutoring and duplicates in Tutor Activity ReportDone
Fixstaff/student gets taken to staff scheduling view rather than student workflowDone
Fix500 error when checking a student inDone
FixEAB Technical Alert Returns After Selecting Service in Advising KioskDone
FixProgress Report Campaigns - Filter by Course Section pulling in all sectionsDone

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